Meditation Made Easy. The Path of Yoga to Spirituality.
Meditation Made Easy. The Path of Yoga to Spirituality.
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Who should take this course?
- If Meditation is a question of sitting still, relaxing and suddenly you meditating then think again. Yoga is the path to reach this. Once the Yoga steps are followed it is this easy but if not then it will be a near impossibilty.
- If you want a course that explains to sit still and TRY to relax then this course is not for you! We all know this bit and is not covered in this Meditation course! This course is about Yoga or the path to being able to meditate easily and beyond.
- Do you think Yoga is a class where you do some sort of stretching exercises?
- Have you been going to Yoga or attempting Meditation for years and are now super strong or flexible yet deep down know you are still missing something?
- Have you tried "Yoga" or Meditation to find it was not for you?
- How you tried to read the Yoga texts only to be left like? Erhh, yeah okay, I did not honestly understand that?
- Do you know what the Siddhis are? Would you like to know how to attain these superNORMAL things?
- Do you wonder if Yoga and Meditation are really for you?
- Would you like to know what Yoga and Meditation truly are?
- Someone who is looking for some exercise class or some stretching to do at home. This course is not for you!
- Are you looking for Ashtanga Yoga or more?
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These are the most searched words online about Yoga. The only one that has anything to do with what Yoga actually is is the 8 limbs of Yoga. While Yoga at home and Yoga Nidra might actually offer the idea that some people have a little knowledge as to what Yoga actually is, the rest is pure materialistic commercialism around the name Yoga.
When someone says the word Yoga do you automatically think of people in a class doing poses, postures and stretching exercises with maybe a short relaxation in Yoga Nidra and a few Om mantra chants at the end? This can be part of Yoga but is not Yoga in itself. Just read the ancient texts.
Now I understand how weird, daunting and complex the old Yoga texts can be, this could not the reason the word Yoga has been misused for so long in western cultures?
- Yoga is not about Yoga Pants! Or any such clothing or even Yoga mats.
- Yoga is not about contortionism. Yoga is not about being as flexible as possible.
- Yoga is not about getting a nice butt to be able to wear Yoga pants! In fact you are going to get a much nicer Yoga bum by going to the gym and doing heavy squats!
- Yoga is not about holding the warrior pose 1,2 or 3 for 20 minutes!
- I am so tired of people trying to tell me what Yoga is when all they think it is is going to a very hot room with virtually no clothes on, sweating like nothing and then saying "wow that was so good I feel great!
- Yoga is about Mindfulness!
- Yoga is about learning how to do Meditation correctly and easily!
- Yoga is a path, a journey, a philosophy.
In this Yoga Meditation course you will learn:
- What Yoga and Meditation truly is!
- That Yoga is not about a class of people working out together.
- How to do Meditation quickly, easily in a step by step guide and in plain language.
This Yoga Meditation course will not only give you a better understanding of Yoga than what even most Yoga instructors have, once learnt and mastered it will enable you to do things in life way more efficiently and effectively once having learnt how to concentrate correctly and how to use your memory properly.
It will teach you why so many people have tried to meditate and have failed or think they have been meditating for 20 years when all along they have only been relaxing.
Many courses out there teach us about Ashtanga Yoga or better said the Ashtangas of Yoga or the 8 Limbs of Yoga however in this course you will learn not only about the 8 limbs or Ashtanga of Yoga as Yoga is not about the 8 limbs which is in fact only the second part of Yoga.
The first part of Yoga is in fact learning all about how to prepare yourself for Meditation.
- This is where so many people go wrong who never learn to meditate
The second part of Yoga is the Ashtanga of Yoga or the 8 limbs of Yoga.
- Here you will learn what all this stretching stuff is really about as well as how to further prepare and the first steps towards Meditation and preparation for what lies beyond the 8 limbs
The third part of Yoga is all to do with the Siddhis'.
- This is where the Yoga gets really interesting and shows how far behind science still is and how far it still has to go before it catches up with Yoga. How can someone who has been meditating for 20 years never attained and siddhi?
The fourth part of Yoga is about liberation, freedom, true Mindfulness and Enlightenment.
- If we where to compare Yoga to Zen meditation and the 4 levels of Enlightenment then one might place Mindfulness as the first level of Enlightenment which you will find in the Ashtangas of Yoga. This is a question for lovers of Semantics.
Why was Yoda, in Star Wars named so? (Do not forget that G. Lucas is dyslexic so he has the ability to change a g to a d very easily). Was it because Yoda was an expert in flexibility? George Lucas and his Force comes from somewhere; just as his clone troopers are not his own design, they can be found on buildings of Gaudi in Barcelona.
About the Author:
I am a Yoga teacher, a Meditation teacher and a Mindfulness teacher yet I have not studied some silly fad yoga with some piece of paper with no meaning. I studied Raja Yoga which is one of the 4 Original Pillars of Yoga. I studied directly with a Yogacharya and not some fake self proclaimed Yogacharya. I studied with a real Yogacharya. One of a select few in the world who has been nominated by his peers (those being the top Yogis and Yoginis in the world) for a lifetime of learning and service to Yoga. I have studied and taught Yoga for round 2 decades, teaching and helping people find their Path of Yoga. While I have students in 68 different countries everytime I encounter some new student or go to a weekend retreat I have to explain to them what Yoga is all about as they think it is about doing a bit of exercise and singing some mantras all in a group and feeling all ... well hippie... Yoga has got 2 distinct stigmas:
- Exercise for Moms that do not want to sweat to much and yet gain a nice figure.
- A hippie thing that people do on retreats.
Both of these stigmas are incorrect and if you wish to learn the real truth about what Yoga is then please enrol in this course.
We will also see how some simple mistranslations (which are easy mistakes to make) of the ancient Yoga texts have stopped a generation of people doing Yoga successfully.
So if you wish to gain more knowledge than a lot of Yoga instructors out there then please enrol to learn more.
Do you know the relationships between Yoga, meditation and mindfulness?
Meditation and Mindfulness are both parts of Yoga. Meditation is directly named in Yoga while Mindfulness is not. However if you are looking for Meditation and Mindfulness you will find them in this course. You can also find other courses that are specific to Mindfulness and (modern) Meditation along with some other of my courses in Udemy. Both my (modern) Meditation and Mindfulness courses are courses that are on steroids taking you to high levels of Mindfulness and Meditation faster.
By the end of this course you will have knowledge and understanding of:
- You will understand what Yoga and Meditation truly are
- You will understand where the exercise part of Yoga is really from and what is is based upon.
- You will learn how to do true real Yoga (& therefore meditation).
- You will understand in plain language what Yoga is and what is needed to meditate successfully and how to do it.
- Yoga will be given a clear step by step path of how to do and reach the goals of Yoga (& therefore meditation) in todays society.
- You will learn about some most unfortunate mistranslations of texts leading to improper practises of meditation leading to a generational loss of attainment
- You will understand how materialistic and false what so many sell as Yoga in our modern world has become.
- You will learn how to reach Bliss (or eternal happiness if you wish).
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Estas son las palabras más buscadas en línea sobre Yoga. El yoga es en realidad los 8 miembros del Yoga.
Cuando alguien dice la palabra ¿Crees que puedes hacer yoga en tu clase? ¿Tienes una clase de yoga? El yoga no es Yoga en sí mismo. Solo lee los textos antiguos.
Ahora entiendo qué raro, cómo nos llevamos bien y cómo podemos hacer esto. ¿Hemos sido maltratados durante tanto tiempo en las culturas occidentales?
Yoga no se trata de pantalones de yoga! O cualquier tipo de ropa o incluso esteras de yoga.
El yoga no se trata de contorsionismo. El yoga no se trata de ser lo más flexible posible.
El yoga no se trata de conseguir un buen trasero para poder usar pantalones de yoga! De hecho, obtendrás un Yoga mucho más agradable yendo al gimnasio y haciendo sentadillas pesadas.
¡El yoga no se trata de mantener la pose del guerrero 1,2 o 3 durante 20 minutos!
Estoy tan cansado de que la gente intente decirme qué están haciendo cuando lo piensan.
En esta carrera, aprenderás:
¡Qué es Yoga realmente!
Ese Yoga no se trata de personas que trabajan juntas.
Cómo hacer Yoga rápidamente, fácilmente en una guía paso a paso y en un lenguaje sencillo.
Este curso será más eficaz que nunca y será más eficaz que nunca. memoria correctamente
Le enseñará por qué tantas personas han intentado meditar durante 20 años.
Muchas carreras por ahí nos enseñan acerca de Ashtanga Yoga o mejor dicho el Ashtangas de Yoga o los 8 miembros del yoga sin embargo, en esta carrera que van a aprender no sólo acerca de los ocho miembros o Ashtanga de Yoga como el Yoga no es acerca de la 8 extremidades qui est en solo la segunda parte del Yoga
La primera parte del Yoga es, de hecho, aprender a prepararse para la Meditación.
Aquí es donde muchas personas se equivocan y nunca aprenden a meditar
La segunda parte del Yoga es el Ashtanga de Yoga o los 8 miembros del Yoga.
Aquí aprenderás qué es lo que realmente está por preparar todo este estiramiento y los primeros pasos hacia las extremidades
La tercera parte del Yoga tiene que ver con Siddhis '.
Aquí es donde el Yoga se vuelve realmente interesante y muestra cuán atrás está y hasta dónde llega. ¿Cómo puede alguien que ha estado meditando durante 20 años nunca ha alcanzado y siddhi?
La cuarta parte del Yoga trata sobre la libertad, la libertad, la verdadera atención plena y la iluminación.
Si nos donde comparar el yoga con la meditación Zen y los cuatro niveles de la Ilustración Entonces uno podría en lugar de atención plena como el primer nivel de la Iluminación qui encontrará en el Ashtangas del Yoga. Esta es una pregunta para los amantes de la Semántica.
¿Por qué fue Yoda, en Star Wars nombrado así? (No olvide que Lucas es disléxico, por lo que tiene la capacidad de cambiar la situación fácilmente). ¿Fue porque Yoda era un experto en flexibilidad? George Lucas y su Fuerza vienen de algún lado; así como sus soldados clones no son de su propio diseño, se pueden encontrar en edificios de Gaudí en Barcelona.
Sobre el autor:
Soy profesora de Yoga, sin embargo, no he estudiado un poco de tonto yoga con un pedazo de papel sin significado. Estudié Raja Yoga, que es uno de los 4 Pilares Originales del Yoga. Estudié directamente con un Yogacharya y no con un falso Yogacharya autoproclamado. Estudié con un Yogacharya real. Yoguis y Yoginis en el mundo, para toda una vida de aprendizaje y servicio al Yoga. He estudiado y enseñado yoga durante aproximadamente 2 décadas, enseñando y ayudando a las personas a encontrar su Camino de Yoga. Cada vez que me encuentro con un nuevo alumno o voy a un retiro de fin de semana, estoy aquí para ayudarlo a aprender más ... Yoga tiene 2 estigmas distintos:
Haga ejercicio para las mamás que no quieren sudar mucho y aún así obtener una buena figura.
Una cosa hippie que la gente hace en retiros.
Ambos estigmas son incorrectos y si quieres saber la verdad.
También veremos algunas traducciones erróneas simples (que son fáciles de hacer) de los antiguos textos de Yoga que han detenido a una generación de personas que realizan Yoga con éxito.
Entonces, si deseas obtener más conocimientos que muchos instructores de Yoga, inscríbete para obtener más información.
A Complete Plain Language for Real Yoga Training: MEDITATION, Mindfulness & Spirituality. 0 to Yogi in Weeks!
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What you will learn
- You will understand what Yoga and Meditation truly are
- You will understand where the exercise part of Yoga is really from and what is is based upon.
- You will learn how to do true real Yoga (& therefore meditation).

Rating: 4
Level: All Levels
Duration: 1.5 hours
Instructor: Ashley Deeks
Courses By: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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