Selenium WebDriver,Appium&Protractor using JAVA for beginner
Selenium WebDriver,Appium&Protractor using JAVA for beginner
Updated course with latest framework concepts(Selenium POM framework), JENKINS, GIT on Jan 18th 2020
Selenium Content
Demo session:
Introduction to Automation
Why and when will we go for Automation
What is the use of Automation
What is the difference between Selenium and QTP
About Selenium:
What is Selenium
Advantages of Selenium
Different flavors of Selenium:
· Selenium IDE
· Selenium RC
· Selenium Grid
· Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 2.0
· Selendroid
Selenium IDE Overview:
Downloading and Installing Selenium IDE
Features of Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE Icons
Recording your first test with Selenium IDE
Save and playback first script
Mode of execution
What is command , target, value
Asserting the elements
Verifying the elements
WaitFor elements
Storing the elements
Synchronization commands
Adding Selenium IDE comments
goBack, refresh, Enterkey simulation, highlight ..etc.
IDE Context Menu
Building Test cases using Selenium IDE
Capturing screenshots in IDE
Start & break points with example, limitations of ide
How to use looping statements like IF, while in IDE with few examples
Usage of goto commands in IDE
Delete all cookies
Multiple user creation using if condition
Generating Dynamic values using JS functions
Usage of JS functions with IDE
Creating test suites
Framework in IDE
Core Java concepts:
Introduction To Core Java
What is jre, jdk, jvm
Install java
Environment variable configuration
What is a class and object?
various data types
Download eclipse
How to create java project
What is object
How to create object to a class
What are method parameters with examples
How to add return type to a method with examples
Inheritance and examples on parent child relationship
What is abstraction and abstract class
Overview on interface
Web Driver Concepts :
Introduction & Architecture
How to identify elements in webpage using Selenium
Tools to identify elements/objects
IE Developer tools
Google Chrome Developer tools
Locating elements by ID
Comparissions between RC and WebDriver
Downloading and configuring web driver in Eclipse
Setup required for webdriver
configuring webdriver
How your browser will be launched
comparison b/w selenium java 2.48 & 3.5 versions with example
Finding elements by name
Finding elements by link text
Finding elements by XPath
Finding Elements by using CSS
Overview of method chaining in java
How to open an application using GET N NAVIGATETO COMMANDS
Firefox browser n selenium java issue
How to maximize the window
How to use sendkeys command in webdriver
Various commands close, quit, click command in webdriver with examples
scenarios and login to sales force ,
Handling checkboxes
How to use isselected,
How to perform uncheck operation
How to handle radio buttons :
Overview on webdriver select class with examples
Diff between findElement and findElements commands
findElements examples,
How can we perform tab operation
Identify all links a webpage with examples
working on chrome browser
working on IE browser
html unit drivers,
What is frames and overview on frames
How to handle alerts
overview on robot class and examples
overview on autoIT and examples
How to handle multiple windows with examples
Actions class
Handling of webtables
Introduction to java script executor
Usage of Java script executor
Javascript Executor
Implicit wait, Explicit wait, Fluent wait
What is a Firefox Profile
Handling Certificate issuer using FF profile
Handling proxy server and file downloading using FF profile
Datadriven testing
Keyword driven testing
Datadriven testing
Text file
properties file
CSV file
Read content from a PDF file
Read content from an image file
Introduction about TestNG
How to Install TestNG plugin in EclipseTestNG sample script
Writing Selenium testing script from scratch
Creating Test suites using TestNG Reports generation using TestNG
overview on JUNIT
Introduction to Framework
components in framework
Discussing about base framework
Creating a POM framework
APPIUM (Mobile Automation testing tool) Content has 2 parts which covers both Android & iOS
Chapter 1: Introduction to Appium
Introduction to Appium
Overview of Open Source Mobile Test Automation tools:
Open source Mobile Automation tool Evaluation docs
Limitations of APPIUM
Appium architecture
Chapter 2: Appium- Prerequisites & Installation for Windows
Appium Prerequisites
Java Installation & Configuring System Environmental variables
Maven Configuration
Android SDK configuration
Eclipse IDE configuration
Appium installation on windows
What is an APK file
Various sources to get APK files
Installing application on real device using these APK files
Automating INDIAMART-Login
Automating Facebook- Post Status
Automating Facebook- Delete Post & User Logout
UI Automator Component
Element Locators
Chapter 3: Installation for APK Files
What is an APK file
Various sources to get APK files
Installing application on real device using these APK files
Automating INDIAMART-Login
Automating Facebook- Post Status
Automating Facebook- Delete Post & User Logout
Chapter 4: Object identification
Locating elements by resource ID
Locating elements by name
Locating elements by classname
Locating elements by xpath
Chapter 5: Basics of Android
Share & Control Real Android Device screen from PC
Download Android Platforms using SDK Manager
CreateVirtual Devices/Emulators using AVD Manager
Chapter 6: APPIUM basic concepts
Settingup a basic project
Appium API Reference
What are DesiredCapabilities
Knowing AppPackage and Launcher Activity of Android App
Chapter 7: APPIUM commands
quit ..etc
Chapter 8: Mobile Touch Gestures-DragDrop, MultiTouch, Swipe,Scroll
Performing Drag and Drop using TouchAction class
Performing Click and Swipe using TouchAction class
Performing MultiTouch and Drop using MultiTouchAction class
Performing Swipe using screen coordinates(x,y)
Performing Long press using TouchAction class
Chapter 9: Android MobileBrowser-Automating Mobile Web Application
Introduction to Mobile Web Automation
How to get Useragent from Android Browser
Identifying the objects on Mobile browser
Automating mobile specific websites
Chapter 10 : Android- Automating Built in Apps(Phone, contact,Settings)
Android BuiltIn App(Phone) : Dial phone number
Android BuiltIn App(Message) : Sending a message
Android BuiltIn App(Clock) : Setup Recurring Alarm
Chapter 11: Appium- Prerequisites & Installation for Mac
Appium Prerequisites
Java Installation & Configuring System Environmental variables
Maven Configuration
Android SDK configuration
Xcode Configuration
Eclipse IDE configuration
Appium installation on Mac
Chapter 12: Appium- iOS App download
Emulators Vs Simulators
iOS App download
Share IOS Device Screen on Mac
Provisioning Development Build on Real IOS Device
Using Appium inspector to identify the element properties
Chapter 13: Working with Safari browser on IOS Device
Running ios first automation test case
Launch Safari browser on IOS Simulator
Launch Safari Browser on Real IOS Device
Chapter 14: Working with IOS Controls on Real IOS Device
Working with Steppers(UIAStepper)
Working with Switches(UIASwitches)
Working with Sliders(UIASlider)
Working with PickerWheel(UIAPickerWheel)
Working with Date Picker
Working with Segmented Controls(UIASegementedControl)
Working with Page Indicator(UIAPageIndicator)
Handling alerts
Chapter 15: Jenkins-Continous Integration with Appium
Parametrizing DesiredCapabilities using Maven
Integrating Appium with CI tool Jenkins
Dynamic Parametrization of DesiredCapabilities using Jenkins
Scheduling the framework to run at specific time
Chapter 16: SauceLabs-Cloud Integration with Appium
Integrate Appium IOS Tests with SauceLabs
Integrate Android Appium Tests with SauceLabs
Chapter 17: Programmatically Launch Appium on Mac & Windows
Programmatically launch Appium using AppiumServiceBuilder
Programmatically Launch Appium on Windows
Programmatically Launch Appium on Mac
Chapter 18: PageFactory Model- Automating IOS App
PageObject Pattern & PageFactory Introduction
Developing PageObject Model and extending PageFactory support
Creating AbstractTest & AbstractPage
Writing Tests in PageFactory Model
Using @iOSFindBy and @AndroidFindBy Annotations
Chapter 19: Appium Tests Parallel Execution
Run Appium Test Cases Across Multiple Devices Using Grid
Chapter 20: Capture Video and Screenshots for iOS & Android test runs
Android: Record Video Screen during test execution
iOS: Video Record Screen during Test Execution
Eclipse IDE- Fix for ADB Path error during Video Capture on Android
Protractor Content/Protractor on a real project/
Protractor Overview: Protractor Tutorials on End-to-End testing on AngularJS websites. A wrapper over Selenium WebDriverJS library
Prerequisites to install Protractor
Protractor Installation
Architecture and Process communication of Protractor
Overview on Jasmine: Covering Jasmine Framework that needed for Angular JS automtion using Protractor
various editors and folder structure
overview on spec.js
introduction to global variables:
created a simple example
execute the script
overview on conf.js
locators with examples
Overview on ng-repeat with examples
Introduction to Multiple It and Before Each in Jasmine
Basic script in handling calculator
verifiaction points in jasmine using expect
How to work on non angular JS applications
Sample script to login to SF application
Introduction to Page Object Modle framework
converting spec file to a page object mondel
creating and executing scripts in Paga Object Model
How to handle Protractor using JAVA programming language
Creating JProtractor jar file and adding to JAVA Project in eclipse editor
Creating basic scripts for Protractor using JAVA programming language
Handling text fields
Handling dropdown
various identification mechanism for NgBy. with examples
***********************************End of Protractor****************************************************
Selenium IDE,core JAVA,Selenium webdriver,Appium(Mobile Automation Testing),Protractor(Protractor automation framework)
Url: View Details
What you will learn
- You can work on any project on Selenium, Appium and Protractor tools
- Crack interviews

Rating: 3.8
Level: All Levels
Duration: 37 hours
Instructor: Lucky Trainings
Courses By: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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