How To Fight And Win: Hand To Hand Combat Training

How To Fight And Win: Hand To Hand Combat Training

Learn How To Fight And Win in the fastest possible amount of time!

REVEALED Hand To Hand Combat Skills That Thugs, Rioters and Criminals Don’t Want You To Know…

“Learn The Most Devastatingly Effective Close Quarters Combat Moves That End Fights In Your Favour…Every Single Time”

It Doesn’t Matter If You’re Short & Under-Sized Or Have Never Been In A Real Fight, You’ll Be Shocked By How Easy It Is To Execute These Devastating Self Defense Moves…

As seen in Men’s Health Magazine

“A great teacher and an amazing man of martial knowledge, I recommend him highly”

– Geoff Thompson, 7th Dan Best Selling Author of “Watch My Back

“Thee intellectual dimension in reality training, putting brains behind the brawn”

– Mo Teague star of “Danny Dyers Deadliest Men”

“One of the most insightful martial artists I’ve ever met. His direct methods cut right to the heart of functional self protection”

– Iain Abernethy, 6th Dan British Combat Association Senior Coach

Gaining access to this training means you’ll be transformed into a lethal and brutal street effective fighter. in just a few hours time. Plus, you’ll be able to handle…

  • Petty Store Front Robbers

  • Random Attacks From Bigger Guys

  • Hooligans Stupid Enough To “TRY” You Out For Fun

  • Thieves Who Want To Steal Your Hard Earned Money

  • Criminal Scumbags Who Threaten Your Family With Violence

  • All Handled!

How To Fight And Win Against Any Bigger, Stronger, Younger Attackers

But don’t think for a second that you need to have 10 years of fighting experience, 5 kinds of black belts and a dozen fighting trophies lining up your shelf before you know how to ward off the crazies lurking the streets.

In fact, you don’t need to be young. You don’t need to be big. And you don’t even need to have gone to a fighting school or spent thousands on private fighting instruction.

The truth is if you want to defend yourself against an attacker all you need are simple, effective moves because…

”Most Self Defense Courses Are Full Of Complex Moves”

They teach you an 8 step defense to deal with just one type of attack when you could be faced with 100s of different attacks.


Thats going to take years of training to have any hope of this stuff being effective!

IT’S NOT ENOUGH… they aren’t going to help you in a real life encounter they aren’t even close to reality!

Violent street criminals that bloody their knuckles in real street combat couldn’t care less about a “twist his wrist this way” technique or a  “strike him with this part of your foot” technique because they don’t fight by the same rules!

Criminal scumbags who love violence are now getting more and more aggressive and skillful at taking down their victims with such ferocious intensity that it has even the police shaking with nerves, look at the wide spread riots that took place right across the United Kingdom the police DID NOTHING to protect the people!

I’ll tell you more about that in a second, but first let me introduce myself.

My name is Lee Mainprize, and I’m career martial artist, former fighter and mens health magazine self defense expert.

Martial arts has been my life for the past 30 years now and I’ve trained with many of the world’s elite fighters who know more than a thing or two about winning fights against heavily experienced opponents.

And it was only recently that I decided to write this message to you.

If I didn’t, my conscience would eat me alive… I HAD TO WRITE THIS MESSAGE.

Because it could possibly SAVE your life and the lives of your loved ones.

“You Could Be NEXT…Violent “Happy” Slapping And THRILL KILLING”

More and more, the world is slipping into some sort of violent melting pot of fist fights, muggings and murder.

It’s almost as if nothing can stop this terrible trend.

You watch it on the news almost everyday… students shooting up schools, petty crimes turning into full fledged killings and worst of all… thugs who beat people up just for kicks!.

To understand just how nasty things are getting, let me illustrate by describing 2 cruel acts I’ve recently become aware of…

Violent “Happy” Slapping: you’ve probably seen these videos on youtube and facebook too!

Like the one where a guy walks out the train station, a thug moves towards this guy and slaps him so hard he falls to the ground OUT COLD!

As if that wasn’t bad enough, while on the floor he was stomped on mercilessly.

Right there in broad daylight!

No one helped, no one did anything.

The most disturbing is THRILL KILLING, imagine the most cold-blooded mob of gang members who go into killing sprees at random, not to rob you, but to see the look on your face just before mercilessly pounding you to the ground.

They target anyone who BREATHES.

Which means, if you’re not prepared, you’re a helpless walking target!

But I need to tell you something really important…

“It’s Not Your Fault”

It’s not your fault that this FILTH exists…

They simply target guys that don’t know how to fight and win on the streets. You’ve seen it before, a bunch of bigger, stronger guys shoving, pushing and man-handling guys who don’t have enough mass to stand their ground.

The fact is these scumbags will always exist throughout our lives.

It’s how you handle the situation when it comes to crunch time that matters.

What will you do when you’re faced with a tough challenge, a physically bigger guy who wants to “play” around with you or your girlfriend/wife… can you bear the humiliation of having someone you love go completely UNPROTECTED?

I don’t think so.

“Now You Can Have An UNFAIR Fight Advantage No Matter Your Size, Age Or Experience…”

Which is why I had to do something to give you the upper hand, NOT just level the playing field, but powerful tactics that hand you ultimate victory EVERY SINGLE TIME. 

Even better, it doesn’t matter if you’re undersized, middle-aged, or lacking in fighting experience — these techniques and strategies are guaranteed to work for you.

Here’s the deal: I decided to put together a video training program with Jamie Clubb so anyone could deal with every imaginable fighting situation to protect themselves in the heat of the moment when your dignity and life hangs by a thread.

I’ve seen plenty of books and let’s face it, you can’t learn from a book, especially the ones that claim they are packed with 100s of the most deadly techniques.

How can you possibly learn, let alone remember 100s of moves when you’re faced with extreme violence!

You don’t need any knowledge or experience of fighting to work that out!

“Powerful Hand To Hand Combat Skills In Your Locker”

Under normal circumstances, you would have to pay hundreds of pounds to get an elite expert come to your home and train you personally, divulge top fighting secrets and teach his life saving self-defence skills to you.

But these are not normal circumstances…

Right now, you have a unique opportunity to discover “Rapid Strike” and all the No nonsense skills that are required to defend yourself and your loved ones from dangerous situations, keeping you completely safe and secure.

Once you master these moves, any attacker will rue the day he decides to mess with you.

Which means you will soon have the ability to…

“Quickly & Easily Handle Any Attacker Dumb Enough To Go Toe-To-Toe With You”

Gaining access to this training means you’ll be transformed into a dangerous and street "effective" fighter in the shortest amount of time.

Contained in this program is the most street-effective fighting tactics that will help you walk down the streets of any neighbourhood with total confidence.

This is NOT martial arts that takes years to become proficient at and even then most martial arts training is not practiced specifically to deal with a brutal all out street attack.

How To Fight And Win has one objective “SURVIVAL” and to extinguish any threat quickly, to save your life and so you learn everything you need to know in less than a day!

You’ll find no fancy moves in this courser that “untrained” scumbags walk through!

It combines a very specific set of core power moves that will cause maximum damage to your aggressor and no injury to you.   You’ll learn how to apply these moves to every possible situation you’ll ever need to know, to help you destroy your attacker in a real life street fight.

Plus you’ll learn how to fast track your skills with specific training drills that will become embedded into your “muscle memory” just like a computer… when your face to face with a dangerous situation your training will just take over leaving your opponent pummelled to the pavement!

You’ll be able to…

  • Humiliate bigger sized bad asses without much effort and bring them to their knees

  • Puncture anyone’s motivation and will to fight you with your raw masculine confidence

  • Pump yourself with up to 200% more power in your strikes by knowing exactly which areas of the body you should aim for

  • Internalize all possible counter-moves that will save your life and the lives of your loved ones

  • Master dirty techniques to vulnerable points on any attackers’ body — he will feel a world of pain if he dares even touch you

  • And much more…

Here’s what you get:

High Quality Hand To Hand Combat Training Video Lessons — that will show you exactly what you need to do to win a fight QUICKLY and with very simple moves.

You’ll be instructed in extremely easy to understand teaching methods, in a “do this – then do that” style, in high-quality video format with one of the best reality self defence instructors.

And what’s great about this is you’ll SEE every angle needed to master these simple moves FAST.

Don’t understand a certain step? REWIND IT then play it again as many times as you’d like.

Try to do THAT at a dojo!

Here’s what you’ll get inside Rapid Strike…

Simple Yet Astonishingly Powerful Fighting Tactics… Now YOURS Like:

  • Exactly when it is legally ok to strike someone first and how to set up your attacker for a single fight ending strike, he won’t realise what’s going on until he’s chewing tarmac (statistically the person who strikes first wins) – Video 1

  • How to short circuit a street thugs head and completely overwhelm his nervous system… he’ll be writhing in pain before he even has a chance to shout for his mates! – Video 3

  • How to control an aggressive or deceptive hardened street thug from getting in your face and landing fight ending blows! (most people hesitate and react when it’s too late!) – Video 2

  • A really nasty instant pain to the brain attack which requires no practice at all and works better the bigger they are, he’ll almost always give up instantly when you apply this move!  – Video 11

  • How to quickly spot someone concealing a weapon and take action before they have a chance to take your life – Video 5

  • The “revving technique” that’s as easy to apply as making a cup of tea… its so easy even my little girl could drop an attacker to the floor like a sack of potatoes with this (works on any size attacker) – Video 13

And remember.

You don’t need any previous hand to hand combat skills and you’ll know more than the average Black Belt does about exactly what works on the streets in just a few hours time, this type of training should be a given to any martial artist but sadly its not!

You don’t need to be huge –- smaller guys will enjoy these videos because they can use it to MAXIMUM impact as the moves shown in these videos are so easy to do. (If you can throw a standard punch, you’ve already got the skills needed.)

Master These Easy To Learn Devastatingly Effective Fight Moves Practically OVERNIGHT!

  • Learn to create an impenetrable defensive shield that even the most skilled street fighters will find difficult to penetrate, keeping you safe from harm and taking blows to the face – Video 6

  • How to “jam” your opponents strongest attack before it has a chance to break you in two.  You can cut this out instantly and turn the tables on your attacker in a blink with the right counter attacking moves! – Video 4

  • Learn the code red system to instantly turn fear to your advantage and let your training automatically KICK IN to stop your opponent dead in his tracks – Video 7

  • How to stop a stronger attacker from lunging and taking you to the ground – most fights end up this way and it’s crucial you know how to prevent this especially when facing multiple attackers – Video 12

  • Last resort moves that should only be used in EXTREME SITUATIONS – you may tear flesh, blind or even maim your attacker – Video 11

“Be Prepared For EVERY Possible Situation”

Imagine you’ve been tackled or shoved to the ground by an attacker. It’s embarrassing and humiliating to be a man on the ground in a submissive position.

It’s also THE WORST POSSIBLE place to be in a real fight.

Let’s say you’re on your back… an attacker wants to either humiliate you in front of his friends or “ground and pound” you to a pulp for fun.

Here’s what you do:

“Fighting Off Your Back”

  • 3 step technique that launches you off the ground, onto your feet and away from your attacker

  • An unbelievably simple way to flip your attacker onto HIS BACK and give him a taste of his own medicine (this is the ULTIMATE role reversal, and it can happen in 2 seconds flat)

  • Plus In “Fighting Off Your Knees” 

  • How to use your attacker’s head to pull yourself up and away from danger in mere seconds

  • The 2 worst positions to be in when you’re being attacked and how to recover quickly

  • What to do if you’re seated down and your attacker is pummelling you? (You can switch things around and be the aggressor in less than 2 seconds – – Jamie shows you how)

“How To Fight And Win With The Most Proven Fighting Tactics Known To Man”

Without a doubt these are the most effective fighting skills in the world and they’re now instantly accessible to you in your living room, showing you the ropes of self-defence.

No re-hash stuff is allowed, everything is fresh and new.


Because the streets are getting hip to many fighting techniques out there and you HAVE to stay ahead of the curve by at least 2 Steps, and “Rapid Strike” is the best, most affordable way to hone your skills, walk with confidence and keep aggressive thugs from taking you down.

“Hang ON! — I’m Not Done — THERE’S MORE”

When you get “Close Quarters Combat Training” you’ll NOT only receive cutting edge training that keeps you and your family completely safe from crazy attackers…

And if the massive discount isnt enough to push you over the edge, this will.  When you order today, I’m also going to give you another one of my best selling programs, Street Warrior.

Bonus Gift #1: Street Warrior (value $97)

In this system you will learn some the most effective strikes to destroy any attacker fast plus how to escape and release from almost any attack you can think of choke, grab, headlock and a whole bunch more.

That’s bonus number one!

Bonus Gift #2: Street Tactics For Dealing With Multiple Attackers! (value $25)

You can never have enough skills in your arsenal especially when finding you’re outnumbered!

So I got Jamie Clubb to share his very best secrets on counter attacks to multiple aggressors that the average guy can pull off when faced with several attackers and no way to escape.

In Hollywood movies or typical martial arts demo’s attackers take turns to attack which is complete BULL!  

Multiple attack situations are more and more common these days making this a must have self defence resource.  These “self defence tricks” will work anywhere anytime for you when called upon!

Right now, the entire collection of training videos and bonuses I’ve listed above is an exclusive package that is only available from this page at this time.

* You’ll never see a similar self-defence training package anywhere else on the Internet.

However, there is something I’ve got to get off my chest, something I’ve not been upfront about…

“There’s A CATCH!”

And it’s a BIG catch at that.

You see while I want to turn you into a street fighting machine (so you can stand up to any thug who tries to mess with you), I promised to limit how many people get access to this training.

And so I’m strictly limiting copies to just 500 people.

This is an extremely small number considering the fact that I’ve estimated that this message will be seen by at least 30,000 martial arts enthusiasts.

Less than 2% get to actually see “How To Fight And Wintraining”.

By restricting the number of members, I can guarantee that all purchasing of Rapid Strike will have a unique and distinct advantage on the streets… because… they’ll know elite street fighting tactics that almost nobody else knows.

And to make the decision easier for you, check this out…

“After They Heard How Much I Wanted To Charge, They Said: LEE YOU’VE GOT TO BE NUTS!”

When my team and I were brainstorming how much was a fair price to charge we knocked around some numbers that would be a win win for all.

The lowest price on the table at that time was “$97”…

And if you think about it, that’s actually a VERY REASONABLE price.

Considering the fact that you can’t even get a fully licensed multiple black belt holding instructor to spend a day with you for that amount of money, I thought, $97 was pretty fair.

But you know what, I said “how much lower can we go?”

“I don’t think we should go any lower than $77 ”someone yelled across the table. “Going to a dojo twice a week every month costs more than that.”

You know what my reply was?

“Let’s BRING THE PRICE RIGHT DOWN! Let’s make this really affordable and go $47”

That was when people started calling me crazy, but you know what, I’m willing to slash the price if that’s what’s necessary to convince you to get the skills that keep you and your family SAFE.

Remember most dojo’s claim they teach self defence but in reality they don’t

Most experts will not bother to train you if you don’t fork out a boat load of cash…

But here you’re getting a top-notch street self defence expert trained to the teeth and willing to dish out all the crucial life-saving self defence secrets for LESS THAN A TANK OF PETROL.

“How To Win And Fight Win Solved.....Get Started Right NOW — Before Someone Steals Your Copy”

You don’t have much time to waste right now.

It could be that “Close Quarters Combat” has completely sold out now.

It could be that you’re too late and you’ll never know what it’s like to know own real self defence tactics designed for the street and not the dojo.

The fact is, the number of  programs are highly limited. And if you’re on the fence about this, you need to make the decision and see for yourself how valuable this self-defence training really is.

You’ll love every moment of it and can’t help but want MORE skills to take down bigger opponents, attackers and thugs quickly and easily.

Go ahead and sign up RIGHT NOW. You’ll get immediate access to the whole program upon sign-up and you can download everything. We’re waiting for you inside…

Lee Mainprize

P.S.: Here are some blurbs from news outlets that caught my eye…

“967 police laid off in Newark” –CBS News

“Nearly HALF of the police department getting sacked” –ABC News

“The number of children under 18 arrested and charged with violent crimes — homicide, rape and aggravated assault — has risen 10 percent this year compared with last year. Burglary arrests of juveniles jumped 90 percent, while thefts shot up 173 percent.” –Washington Examiner

“The Association of Chief Police Officers has estimated that 28,000 police jobs will go over the next four years (England and Wales)” –BBC News

What’s happening right now is very simple, the economy in shambles is causing massive widespread layoffs of police officers EVERYWHERE.

And with fewer police guarding our countries, crime rates will slowly but surely start to spike upwards, teen crimes, violent murders and unnecessary fights will be more and more common place.

The only person who can protect you is YOURSELF. There simply aren’t enough cops at the moment to keep you safe or to even be on patrol.

If a criminal scumbag thinks you’re a good fit for his next crime and there are no cops around, guess what… it’s crunch time… CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY?

You need the best protection you can get your hands on, and right now it’s this…

Military Self Defense Training Ends Fights In Your Favour Even If Short & Under Sized Or Have Never Been In A Real Fight

Url: View Details

What you will learn
  • How to short circuit a street thugs head and completely overwhelm his nervous system… he’ll be writhing in pain before he even has a chance to shout for his buddies!
  • How to “jam” your opponents strongest attack before it has a chance to break you in two. You can cut this out instantly and turn the tables on your attacker in a blink with the right counter attacking moves!
  • A really nasty instant pain to the brain attack which requires no practice at all and works better the bigger they are, he’ll almost always give up instantly when you apply this move!

Rating: 3.95

Level: All Levels

Duration: 2.5 hours

Instructor: Lee Mainprize

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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