Train the Trainer Coach: Complete Guide to Coaching Trainers

Train the Trainer Coach: Complete Guide to Coaching Trainers

At Last, You’ll Have a Powerful Coaching System That Will Help You…


(Hint: The process looks something like this…)

Coaching Kick-off

  • Lesson #1: Learn about the trainer

  • Lesson #2: Create initial value for the trainer

  • Lesson #3: Make a good first impression

Observations and Feedback

  • Lesson #4: Observe the trainer in the classroom

  • Lesson #5: Write a classroom observation summary

  • Lesson #6: Write feedback to give to the trainer

  • Lesson #7: Deliver feedback to the trainer

One-on-One Coaching Sessions

  • Lesson #8: Tailor the approach to coaching the trainer

  • Lesson #9: Coach the trainer to show credibility

  • Lesson #10: Coach the trainer to build rapport

  • Lesson #11: Coach the trainer to engage trainees

  • Lesson #12: Coach the trainer to teach all learners

  • Lesson #13: Coach the trainer to answer questions

  • Lesson #14: Coach the trainer to handle challenges

Set up Future Success

  • Lesson #15: Encourage the trainer to use new ideas

  • Lesson #16: Set the trainer up for future success

PLUS 16 quizzes, 1 for each lesson, to make sure you are understanding all of the material

Ordinary training managers just don’t get it….

According to a 2015 ATD research study, only 38% of managers believe that their learning programs meet their learner’s needs.

In other words, 62% of HR managers believe that they are not doing a good job meeting the learner’s needs.

Pretty bad, right?

Hold on – it gets worse.

Of that 62%, who manage trainers, most don’t know what they’re doing or what to look for in a master trainer. They just hire an employee, teach them the content to train, and *assume* they’re good.

What ends up happening is that a lot of team leads become managers and not coaches…

What’s the difference between a manager and a coach?

Managers deal with the issues and the problems. They’re very reactive rather than proactive.

The coach is very proactive…

You’re about to learn how to coach trainers for EXCELLENCE…

…notice it doesn’t say success.

There’s a reason for that…

In his book, Excellence, John Gardner says,

“Some people have greatness thrust upon them. Very few have excellence thrust upon them. They achieve it. They do not achieve it unwittingly by ‘doing what comes naturally’ and they don’t stumble into it in the course of amusing themselves. All excellence involves discipline and tenacity of purpose.”

People who are excellent achieve that on their own…with a coach.

Many people are successful, but they’re not EXCELLENT…

…they’re not happy…

…they haven’t got any freedom…

As a result, they’re not fulfilled…

Durable Fulfillment = Happiness + Success + Freedom

When I implemented this program across the board for over 150 trainers that were training in an organization of over 5000 people, what we saw were three major things happen:

Success: Average Trainer Evaluations went up a FULL POINT (out of 6 possible).

Happiness: Trainer’s were happier in class now… they enjoyed training more. They built a better relationship with their team leads and training managers.

Freedom: They felt like they could be more FREE to be themselves in the classroom. They saved time at the end of the day. They didn’t spend as much time at the end of the day getting ready (they were more efficient)

The real thing we’re going to be doing is helping these trainers feel like “Wow! I LOVE being a trainer. I’m GROWING as a trainer.”

You’re here interested in the Coaching Trainers Mastery Certification because you’re a leader…you want your trainers to be successful.

You’re about to learn how to coach trainers for excellence in a way that will help you:

  • Gain Credibility

  • Build Buy-In

  • Secure Respect

  • Be Welcoming

  • Show You Care

  • Get them to Like You

  • Make Sessions Enjoyable

  • Meet their Needs

  • Get them to Thank You

So you can help trainers achieve “CANI” – Constant and Never Ending Improvement.

There was a time when having expertise was enough, but today (if you actually want to get engagement, learning and retention), you need to do more…

…you need have that CANI…

This is going to build your relationships with your trainers in ways that you may have never been able to do before.

Because, the reality is that these trainers NEED and WANT you to be their coaches…

…not just in their training rooms…

…but all across the board.

That means, you will learn to challenge them, regardless of their level of expertise, to be the absolute best that they can be.

That’s what separates this program from all the other “coaching to success” programs out there.

So how do you do it?

How do you build “curriculum” that turns instructional design into engagement, learning and retention?

Fortunately, that’s what you’re about to learn.

FACT: The cost of retaining trainers is MUCH LESS than the cost of replacing them.

According to CED Magazine, 7 out of 10 respondents in a 2015 survey said that job-related training and development opportunities directly influence in their decision to stay with a company.

The lesson here…

…invest in retaining your present trainers.

I’m not going to sell you on the importance of coaching trainers.

If you’re here, you already know it’s an essential aspect of any training strategy, because excellent trainers:

  • Increase ROI and efficiency…

  • Engage and nurture employees by providing ACTUAL results, and most importantly they…

  • Enable your training to be engaging (and stick consistently!)…

In other words,successfully coaching trainers increases training ROI and efficiency and lowers trainer turnover:The lifeblood of any training team.

So that’s why businesses need trainer coaches.

There’s just one problem: Most so called “trainer coaches” don’t know what they’re doing.

That’s where you come in.

As a Certified Coaching Trainers Specialist, you are uniquely qualified to help business convert training into engagement, learning and retention.

What You’ll Learn In This Course

The Coaching Kickoff

Connect with the trainer and start to alleviate some of the trainer’s initial coaching concerns. You’ll learn how to encourage the trainer to feel like part of a team with an advocacy type of a relationship. If the welcoming that follows is done effectively, the countenance of the trainer can start to change from fear and dread to excitement and anticipation…

Trainer Observations and Feedback

Observe and give feedback to trainers in a way that will help you continue to gain credibility and respect, secure buy-in, show that you care, get them to like you, make sessions enjoyable, meet their needs and even get them to thank you when it’s all done. You’ll learn all four major pieces that contribute to observing a trainer and giving effective feedback including: (1) Observe the trainer in the classroom, (2) Write a classroom observation summary, (3) Write feedback to give to the trainer, (4) Deliver feedback to the trainer.

One-on-One Coaching Sessions

Master the 8 critical teaching sessions to teach meaningful ideas to the trainer in a way that feeds his/her learning and personality style. These can break a whole learning experience with the trainer, serving as the bridge into the future success of the trainer. If you do the things above effectively, you can ensure that each teaching session with the trainer is a success and that the trainer is learning what he/she needs to be a rock star.

Set Up Future Success

Wrap-up the process with the trainer in a way that shows the trainer just how far the trainer has come, and ensures the trainer has all the resources needed for future success with a specific 9-step checklist to make that happen. You’ll even learn how to handoff the trainer to the team-lead so that the trainer continues to grow, even after you finish up the coaching process.

Coaching Trainers Mastery Course Reviews and Testimonials:

“Jason’s methods set the standard by which other trainers measure themselves. When I experience a problem in class or another trainer asks me for advice, the first thing that goes through my mind is, what would Jason do in this situation?”

       Bren Mochocki -- Software Trainer & Corporate Trainer Coach

“Jason’s passion for helping trainers is so contagious. When I work with him, not only do I want to be a better trainer, I want to be able to help others the way that he helped me.”

      Sarah Gernetzke -- Trainer & Corporate Trainer Coach

“You taught me and many, many other trainers here how to not only survive in the classroom, but how to thrive. We owe you a big thanks.”

       Paul Mellon -- Software Trainer

“So many of us have become better presenters/trainers/etc. as a result of your tips and in turn helped our customer trainers grow in their presentation skills as well.”

       Lauren Wons -- Training Team Lead

“Jason embodies the meaning of the word "coach". Always accommodating, he meets others on their terms and speaks their language in order to communicate everything necessary. You will be hard pressed to catch Jason idly spinning his wheels or wasting time. Everything he does is for a reason and is building toward something. Given the variety of education and psychology theory that he has spontaneously absorbed and researched over the years, Jason always tailors a custom plan for growth and development based on what is truly needed then and there. Every roadblock is anticipated and resolved before it occurs. It is very easy to work with Jason. As a true leader, he always makes you feel like you were the one to come up with the solution, or you arrived at your own realizations without any guidance on his part. Would that more of us were so gentle yet effective.”

       Anthony Arlotta -- Technical Trainer

“Jason’s experience with teaching and working with our trainers and trainees has given him an unmatched knowledge of how to best train adult learners. During our sessions, he not only helped me develop the techniques to be a great presenter, but he told me exactly why those techniques work and why they are important to my audience. I was quickly able to incorporate many of his tried-and-true methods, such as standing in the “sweet spot” and making eye-contact with everyone every few minutes, and IMMEDIATELY saw an improvement with my class engagement and understanding. His genuine and passionate interest in training is apparent and contagious-Jason truly embodies what it means to be a great trainer and inspires those around him to do the same.”

       Leanne Britton - Software Trainer

Coaching Trainers Mastery Course Details

In this 16-hour course you’ll learn everything you need to know about coaching trainers. You’ll learn how to challenge them, regardless of their level of expertise, to be the absolute best that they can be.

Module 1: Learn About The Trainer

  • Lesson 1: Recognize the Trainer’s Strengths

  • Lesson 2: Gauge the Trainer’s Areas for Improvement

  • Lesson 3: Identify what’s Important to the Trainer

  • Lesson 4: Identify the Trainer’s Style

Module 2: Create Initial Value For The Trainer

  • Lesson 1: Create Deliverables for the Kickoff Meeting

  • Lesson 2: Create a Hook for the Kickoff Meeting

  • Lesson 3: Prepare for the Kickoff Meeting

Module 3: Make A Good First Impression

  • Lesson 1: Build a Teammate Relationship Immediately

  • Lesson 2: Discuss the Process for Trainer Growth

  • Lesson 3: Give the Trainer an Opportunity to Share Thoughts

Module 4: Observe The Trainer In The Classroom

  • Lesson 1: Prepare for the Classroom Observation

  • Lesson 2: Master 7 Keys to Effective Note-Taking

  • Lesson 3: Apply 4 Quick Steps to Classroom Observations

Module 5: Write A Classroom Observation Summary

  • Lesson 1: Identify Strengths and Areas for Improvement

  • Lesson 2: Record Strengths and Areas for Improvement

  • Lesson 3: Record the Main Strengths of the Trainer

Module 6: Write Feedback To Give To The Trainer

  • Lesson 1: Elicit Post Observation Feedback from the Trainer

  • Lesson 2: Document Strengths to Share with the Trainer

  • Lesson 3: Document Areas for Improvement to Share with the Trainer

  • Lesson 4: Prepare the Feedback for the Trainer

Module 7: Deliver Feedback To The Trainer

  • Lesson 1: Share the Trainer’s Strengths

  • Lesson 2: Share the Trainer’s Areas for Improvement

  • Lesson 3: Continue to Build Rapport with the Trainer

Module 8: Tailor The Approach To Coaching The Trainer

  • Lesson 1: Prepare to Coach the Trainer with New Ideas

  • Lesson 2: Get Buy-In from the Trainer for 1-on-1 Sessions

  • Lesson 3: Tailor Each Coaching Session to the Trainer

Module 9: Coach The Trainer To Show Credibility

  • Lesson 1: Coach the Trainer to Overcome Nervousness

  • Lesson 2: Coach the Trainer to Confidence

  • Lesson 3: Coach the Trainer to Speak Well

  • Lesson 4: Coach the Trainer to Show Content Expertise

  • Lesson 5: Coach the Trainer to Show Educator Expertise

Module 10: Coach The Trainer To Build Rapport

  • Lesson 1: Coach the Trainer to Have fun & “Be Myself”

  • Lesson 2: Coach the Trainer to be Welcoming

  • Lesson 3: Coach the Trainer to Meet Trainee Needs

  • Lesson 4: Coach the Trainer to “Show that I Care”

  • Lesson 5: Coach the Trainer to “Get Trainees to Like Me”

  • Lesson 6: Coach the Trainer to Make Class Enjoyable

  • Lesson 7: Coach the Trainer to Make Trainees Comfortable Asking for Help

Module 11: Coach The Trainer To Engage Trainees

  • Lesson 1: Coach the Trainer to Hook Trainees

  • Lesson 2: Coach the Trainer to Keep Trainees’ Attention

Module 12: Coach The Trainer To Teach All Learners

  • Lesson 1: Coach the Trainer to Manage the Pace of the Class

  • Lesson 2: Coach the Trainer to Make things Easy to Follow Along

  • Lesson 3: Coach the Trainer to Make things Easy to Understand

  • Lesson 4: Coach the Trainer to Determine whether Trainees Got It

Module 13: Coach The Trainer To Answer Questions

  • Lesson 1: Coach the Trainer to Elicit Questions

  • Lesson 2: Coach the Trainer to Answer In-Scope Questions

  • Lesson 3: Coach the Trainer to Postpone Out-of-Scope Questions

  • Lesson 4: Coach the Trainers to Cope Confidently When They Don’t Know the Answer

Module 14: Coach The Trainer To Handle Challenges

  • Lesson 1: Coach the Trainer to Handle Negativity

  • Lesson 2: Coach the Trainer to Stop Interruptions

  • Lesson 3: Coach the Trainer to Manage Inattention

Module 15: Encourage The Trainer To Use New Ideas

  • Lesson 1: Capture New Ideas You Teach the Trainer

  • Lesson 2: Identify a Practice Plan and Next Steps

  • Lesson 3: Document and Deliver the Coaching Summary

Module 16: Set Up The Trainer For Future Success

  • Lesson 1: Create a Trainer Coaching Summary

  • Lesson 2: Wrap-up the Process with the Trainer

  • Lesson 3: Handoff the trainer to the Team Lead

 What You’ll Get

When you enroll today, you’ll receive instant access to:

  • The Coaching Trainers Mastery Course

  • 16 Core Modules

  • 48 Video Lessons

  • 16 Hours of Video

  • 523 Page Coaching Trainers Mastery Learner Workbook

  • 16 Practical “Your Turn” Assignments

  • 10 Coaching Tool Appendix Handouts

  • 4 Trainer Observation and Coaching Forms

About Your Instructor

Jason Teteak is the Founder and CEO of Rule the Room Train the Trainer. Jason first made a reputation in the medical training industry, where he was known as “the Epic trainer of trainers.” In response to many requests, he began to offer personalized services and quickly developed a following as a private training coach and training consultant whose clientele includes elite institutions, universities, and top corporations.

In 20 years of working as a trainer and a trainer coach, he has helped more than 15,000 training professionals to “Rule the Room” and has appeared before more than 200,000 people. He’s won praise and a wide following for his original methods, his engaging style, and his knack for transferring training skills via practical, simple, universal and immediately actionable techniques. Or as he puts it “No theoretical fluff”.

He founded Rule the Room Train the Trainer with a mission to DOUBLE the impact of 10,000 training professionals in the next 5 years. The Rule the Room Train the Trainer team, under Jason’s management, has flipped the model and changed the approach to great training and instruction for even the most seasoned veterans.

Rule The Room Train The Trainer Is Different

Sure, you can probably find other “train-the-trainer” trainings and certifications that cover similar topics, but a Rule the Room certification is unique because it’s built and taught by real trainers who actually write and train their own classes and observe, coach and train thousands of trainers to mastery.

In other words, we aren’t “researchers” sharing “theoretical fluff”. We’re in-the-trenches trainers who despise untested theory and believe that the best way to learn training techniques is to actually get up and teach in front of a real classroom. If that sounds like something that fits you, then welcome! You’re in the right place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: “How will this Rule the Room Coaching Mastery Class help me?”

A: It depends on who you are…..

If you’re a business owner, this course is a great way to learn to coach trainers yourself. It’s also a great way to train and certify members of your own team and get them up to speed in half the time on the latest trainer coaching trends and best practices.

If you’re a consultant, this program is a practical way to show that you are a Coaching Trainers Specialist, which could help you attract better, higher-paying clients, boost their ROI and efficiency, and lower turnover, safety and security concerns.

If you’re a student, this class can set you apart from other graduates who may have a business or education degree, but don’t have the specialized skills that employers today are looking for.

If you’re a team lead or training manager, this course can make you more valuable to your company, which can get you that raise or promotion you may deserve (but don’t have a reason to request).

Q: “How valuable is this Rule the Room Mastery Coach Class”

A: The class itself is highly valuable if your goal is to set yourself apart from the competition.   What’s even MORE valuable than any course is the knowledge and understanding you’re going to gain when you take this class and pass all the tests. You will know coaching trainers. I’ll say that again: YOU WILL KNOW COACHING TRAINERS.

Q: “When do I have to finish the class?”

A: You can go at whatever pace suits you best! You’ve got a lot of other things going on in your life, so just because you enroll in the workshop doesn’t mean you need to complete it right away. In fact, you can start and finish the workshop whenever you want. Either way, we’re going to be there with you every step of the way to ensure you’re successful and can get certified.

Q: “How soon can I finish the class?”

A: The Instructional Design Mastery Class is 16 hours of video training, so if you are dedicating yourself full time to it, you could probably finish in 3 days, but we don’t recommend that. Instead, we recommend you take 7 – 14 days (if you can give your full attention to the material. If you only have a little bit of time each day, then you should dedicated 4 – 6 weeks to finish it up and take the test.

Q: “How certain can I be that I will finish?”

A: It’s never a guarantee. If it was, then our program wouldn’t mean anything. Instead, it does mean something, and because of that, you’re going to have to work at this thing to get finished. When you do, you can be certain that it will actually mean something. The class and the activities are both going to challenge you, but rest assured we make everything simple, easy to understand, and quick to learn. With that said, you will have to earn your certification.

Q: How hard is the class?

A: You can liken our courses to the story of “goldilocks and the three bears” – not too hot and not too cold. In other words, they’re hard enough that you need to study and know your stuff, but we don’t make them intentionally hard just to be difficult. We make them as hard as they need to be to make sure you know how to “Rule the Room”. We believe learning doesn’t happen until a behavior change occurs, so to preserve the integrity of this certification, we have made the test challenging and the questions specific to our proprietary Rule the Room Train the Trainer techniques, methodologies and recipes. Don’t expect to pass the test just because you have taken other trainings or certification courses in the past. This training is different, and the course will reflect those differences.

Q: Why are Trainer Coaches so valuable?

A: Coaching trainers is the front line effort of all your training and retention efforts. If you know how to coach trainers at the right time in the employee and customer journey, and EXACTLY how to implement it, then you’ll be able to build a path to better results and ensure everyone knows how to do their part in the best way possible. When you can help others teach twice as much in even less time, you’ll be one of the most essential employees at your organization.

Coach trainers for excellence to build credibility, secure buy-in, and boost evaluations and training retention.

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What you will learn
  • Increase training adoption and happiness at your organization.
  • Identify key traits of each of your trainer that help you connect with them.
  • Create the golden eggs that ensure your trainer want coaching.

Rating: 4.05

Level: Expert Level

Duration: 16.5 hours

Instructor: Jason Teteak

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