Psychodynamic Psychology - Certification Course
Psychodynamic Psychology - Certification Course
Hello and welcome to our online certification course on Psychodynamic Theories in Psychology. I am Gloria Dimitrova and I will be your lecturer in the upcoming training. The aim of the training is to introduce the basic concepts and views of psychodynamic theories in psychology. The whole course is created entirely by purely scientific arguments and well-known theories of influential figures in psychology as a science, filled with scientific terms and knowledge.
In the first lecture, we present a general overview of the ideas and views of the classical psychoanalysis created by Sigmund Freud who renders big influence on the culture with his theoretical formulations. Freud is the creator of psychoanalysis, or so-called mental analysis, which is a system of ideas, views, concepts, and therapeutic techniques. You will learn about his idea of the conscious and the unconscious and the various forms of the unconscious. An important part of his theories are the two main instincts: the sexual instinct or the so-called "Life Drive" and the aggressive drive, the "Death Drive". We will also explain the specifics of psychosexual development and the 5 stages of development independently and as a tool for a typology of personality. Our students will be well acquainted with the concept of personality with the Psychoanalytic theory of personality, part of which is the Structural Theory of Personality. We will view psychoanalysis as а doctrine of the interaction between conscious, unconscious, and superconscious with their specificity. After all this, we will turn our attention to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic metapsychology, the taboo and the repressive functions of culture, the various types of taboos with their different purposes, the similarity between the taboo and the symptoms of the obsessional neurosis. The construction of psychoanalysis consists of clinical cases, but according to Sigmund Freud, the clinical cases and stories of his patients are much more important for the collection of scientific data thanks to the introspection of the couch method. We will see together why the analytical séance is a scientific method more valuable than the experiment and why psychoanalysis is a highly successful science.
In our second lecture, we will introduce you to the analytical theory and the ideas and views of Carl Gustav Jung, his different point of view on the source and causes of neuroses, his ideas on the archetypal appearance of the personality, the archetypes, the phenomena of "extraversion" and "introversion". You will also learn about the three personality structures: Personal Consciousness, Personal Unconscious and Collective unconscious. We explain the Jung's associative experiment. We will take a closer look at the similarities and differences of the understandings of Freud and Jung because Jung's work is often put on the same level as Freud's.
In the third lecture, we will introduce you to the Ideas and Views of Alfred Adler and Individual Psychology. Alfred Adler is a psychologist and member of Freud's Vienna circle and International Psychoanalysis Association, but he takes a standalone path of development, expressing views other than those of Sigmund Freud and sets the foundations for a movement called individual psychology. We will see how and why Adler puts the social interest above the sexual motives as Freud does. We will follow his reasoning on the subject of the sense of power and superiority, the sense of inferiority or inability and the inferiority complex. In this part of the training, we will get a clear idea of what does human character do as a whole.
In the next fourth lecture, we will introduce you Neo-Freudianism and the Ideas and Views of Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Harry Sullivan where can be found the first correction of psychoanalytic theories. Erich Fromm analyzes the life of man from the Middle Ages to the present day and he is a founder of a system of views which are the formation of the theory of personality by interpreting from a sociological point of view the psychoanalytic view to man because indeed people are the product of inevitable human relationships. You will follow the reasoning on the topic: What is the nature of man? Karen Horney in her capacity as solid theoretical scientist, a practitioner doctor and a psychotherapist is analyzing the phenomenon and the concept of "anxiety", the notion of "basal anxiety" and the concept of "female psyche", she also defines three types of personalities. You will learn what generates anxiety and the differences between physiological anxiety and psychic anxiety. You will explore what personal orientations are observed: Compliant personality, Aggressive Personality, Withdrawing personality; which are strategies for reducing the sense of anxiety that arises from social relationships.
In the fifth lecture, we will discuss in detail the information about the Stages of Psychosocial Development of Personality. Erik Erikson believes that the development of the personality is justified by the interaction of three main factors - the individual-biological, the upbringing and the socio-cultural environment. We will see the 8 stages of development and the crisis: The essence of the first crisis is expressed in trust/mistrust. The second crisis is defined as autonomy against doubt and shame. The third crisis is related to the fight of the initiative against guilt. The fourth crisis is connected with the fight of diligence/industry against the feeling of inferiority. The fifth crisis is expressed as a fight of the identity against diffusion (role confusion). The sixth crisis is defined as intimacy against isolation. The seventh crisis is determined by resolving the collision of generativity against stagnation. The eighth crisis is defined as the fight of ego integrity against despair. During each stage, the person experiences a psychosocial crisis which could have a positive or negative outcome for personality development.
In the sixth lecture, you will learn more about Jean Piaget and cognitive development during childhood. Jean Piaget is a Swiss psychologist known for his work on child development with great importance on the education of children. He worked in Paris and explored the intelligence of children. His researches continued for about 50 years and he found that the mind of the children should not be seen as a miniature model of the mind of adults because small children understand the world in a different way than adults. Jean Piaget finds that the child's mind is going through certain stages of development. They are called Stages of cognitive development. We will take a closer look at all of them - the Sensorimotor stage, Preoperational stage, Concrete operational stage and the Formal operational stage. They are sorted in children from birth to puberty.
In the seventh lecture, you will learn about Lawrence Kohlberg and the moral development of the personality. Based on his researches and experiments Kohlberg determines 3 levels with stages in moral development: Pre-Conventional level which contains the first two 2 stages - “Obedience and punishment orientation” and “Self-interest orientation"; Conventional level where are Stage 3 - the "Good child" and Stage 4 - “Authority and social-order maintaining orientation” and Post-Conventional with the final two stages - "Social contract and democracy orientation" and "Stage of orientation toward universal principles".
In the eighth lecture, we will turn your attention to the Attachment theory and Basic concepts and styles of attachment. You will learn about what types of interpersonal attachment the adults are looking, the hypothesis of the impact of early attachment between parent and child on the development of close life-long relationships. We will explain the Attachment theory based on the research of John Bowlby. According to him, this system of attachment is common to human species and animals and was probably selected during evolutionary development. He also differentiates operational models of attachment by two polar axes which we are going to show you on a picture. Bowlby monitors infants and young children and systematizes three types of reactions when separating a child from its object of attachment: Protest, Despair and Alienation.
In the ninth lecture, you will learn about the three-category model of early attachment and you will see how Mary Ainsworth, in turn, conducts cross-cultural studies and her experiments show that the need for attachment is universal for all cultures. Based on modelling the situation of separation with the mother, Mary Ainsworth identifies three main styles of attachment and three types of emotional distress in physical separation with the object of attachment. Typical features and the relative share of attachment styles found in a distress situation are - Safe style, Anxious or ambivalent style and Avoiding attachment style. We will show you what are the mothers of children with different types of attachment.
In the tenth lecture, you will be introduced to the four-category model of adult attachment styles and more precisely the analogues of the four Bartholomew and Horowitz styles and the three styles differentiated for the early attachment. A Secure attachment style corresponds to the Secure attachment from the three-category model of early attachment. A Preoccupied attachment style corresponds to the Anxious (ambivalent) style of early attachment during childhood. Fearful attachment style - consistent with the Avoiding attachment style. The Dismissing style of attachment has no analogue of the three-category model.
In the eleventh lecture, you will learn about Motivation and personality. By introducing the term motive, Kurt Lewin and Sigmund Freud reveal the complexity of a person's mental life. We will explain how Kurt Lewin differentiates 3 types of motive. You will understand why the essence of motives is best revealed in their essential functions: Stimulus, Energetic, Meaning-forming and Justification function.
The twelfth lecture of the training is devoted to the Character. You will gain clarity on what the concept of character in its various interpretations really means. The character has both functional and content characteristics. You will learn about some different types of character as a rational and irrational, moral and immoral, volitional and involuntary character. We will also present the different views on the character according to Sigmund Freud, Erich Fromm and Alfred Adler. You will examine the features of different orientations: The Receptive, Exploitative, Hoarding, Marketing and Productive orientations.
In the thirteenth lecture, we will provide you with detailed theoretical and scientific information on the Needs. You will find out why Activity in life is so important and the significance of living conditions. You will learn why the Need is a psychic experience of dissonance between internal and external living conditions and why every person realize that the centre of his life is the satisfaction of many needs. We will explain the three types of Needs: Biological, Social and Spiritual needs. You will gain a deeper understanding also from the universal Pyramid of Needs.
In the fourteenth lecture, we will introduce you the Emotions and feelings. You will see the three types of processes, introduced by Aristotle and we will explain the nature of these processes; we will give you information about the main functions of the feelings: Assessment, Incentive, Regulatory, Disorganizing, Activation and Integrative functions.
Thank you for your attention and we wish you pleasant and fruitful minutes with our training.
With this course you will receive:
Certificate of completion from Udemy.
Bonus at the end of the certification course.
The bonus at the end of the certification course is granted by Valentin Boyadzhiev - a trained nutritionist from 2011, graduated Master of Psychology in "Psychology and Psychopathology of Development" from 2016; acquired a Professional Qualification "Teacher of Psychology" in 2017; with a Postgraduate Professional Qualification "Psychological Counseling in Psychosomatic and Social Adaptation Disorders" from 2017. Since 2018 - a member of the Association "Bulgarian Psychoanalytic Space". Since 2019 - a member of "International Society of Applied Psychoanalysis" and „International Alliance of Holistic Therapists“. Since 2011 - a lecturer on issues related to nutrition, diet, supplementation, food and nutritional supplements, sports and more. Since 2016 - teacher of psychology, logic, ethics, law, and philosophy and a lecturer on psychology. From 2017 - a school psychologist of children and pupils from 5 to 18 years of age. Participated annually in scientific conferences on psychology, psychotherapy, dietetics, medicine, and others. Past through many other pieces of training and seminars. His main interest and practice is in the field of psychoanalysis and clinical psychology.
Learn more about Psychodynamic Theories in Psychology
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What you will learn
- Classical psychoanalysis. Ideas and views of Sigmund Freud.
- Analytical psychology. Ideas and views of Carl Gustav Jung.
- Individual psychology. Ideas and views of Alfred Adler.

Rating: 4.4
Level: All Levels
Duration: 3 hours
Instructor: Glory Boyadzhieva
Courses By: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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