Award winning ACCA SBL Strategic Business Leader course

Award winning ACCA SBL Strategic Business Leader course

This ACCA SBL course is based on  Dr. Dino's Award Winning (Accounting Awards 2020 Athens, Europe) globally adopted SBL flowchart which organises SBL's material in a logical sequential manner based on his practical Flowchart methodology. Learn all important business models in short videos along with their descriptions, understand what is expected during the exam, gain tips on how to pass SBL, how and when to use the theories, learn what the examiners expect, how to manage your time in reading the case, tips on writing style, all in a series of over 55 simple videos for a total of app. 4 hours (230+ minutes). Videos offered with descriptions:

1. How does the programe work”: A short video on how to make the best use out of the videos and my SBL course

2. “What is SBL all about?”: A 5 min video about the exam itself, what it is all about, its structure, what is expected from candidates, its main characteristics and some key tips on handling the content and requirements.

3. “Managing your time for passing the SBL exam”: Managing time in a 4 hour exam is crucial and therefore this video explains how to make the best use of your planning time, how to scan exhibits, when to check requirements and other critical points on SBL time management.

4. “Flowchart – ACCA SBL’s This content areas explained”: This is probably the most important video as it explains all SBL content in about 15 minutes. Therefore, it is important to go over it and remind yourself on how the topics of the course relate to each other, so have a good look while also downloading the flowchart to have in front of you while i am speaking. The flowchart is a very useful tool in understanding the logic of the paper, especially when you have done your studies and are close to taking the exam!

  1. ACCA SBL Flowchart – How to understand SBL’s content based on the Award Winning Flowchart by Dino: - Amazing for revising the whole course! Part 1/6 – This part on youtube

  1. ACCA SBL Flowchart – Amazing for revising the whole course! How to understand SBL’s content based on the Award Winning Flowchart by Dino: Part 2/6

  1. ACCA SBL Flowchart – How to understand SBL’s content based on the Award Winning Flowchart by Dino: Amazing for revising the whole course! Part 3/6

  1. ACCA SBL Flowchart – How to understand SBL’s content based on the Award Winning Flowchart by Dino: Amazing for revising the whole course! Part 4/6

  1. ACCA SBL Flowchart – How to understand SBL’s content based on the Award Winning Flowchart by Dino: Amazing for revising the whole course! Part 5/6

  1. ACCA SBL Flowchart – How to understand SBL’s content based on the Award Winning Flowchart by Dino: Amazing for revising the whole course! Part 6/6

11. “Planning your answer”: This video helps you in how to plan and write your answer based on best practices and content/info from the examiner's report up to early 2020. You need to make sure that you do certain things in order for your answer to include the elements expected by ACCA as well as understanding the 'feel', 'layout', 'logic' in terms of planning.

  1. “5 Ws by Dino for SBL”: A simple exam technique to use to answer an SBL requirement. Check it carefully to ensure your answer is effective!

  1. How to write professionally for SBL: An extremely useful video on how to write effectively based on the reporting layout. What the examiners expect, how to space your answer, introduce, conclude, make a slide and other useful tips in gaining marks.

14. “A simple way to understand the skills for SBL”: The skills for ACCA's SBL are 5 and they are Communication, Evaluation, Analysis, Commercial Acumen and Scepticism. In this 5 minute video, I explain the competencies in a simple, yet effective way to help you understand what is expected by the examining team.

15. “Common layouts for SBL”: For SBL, you will be asked to write your answer in a specific layout such as a 'report', a 'press release' a 'letter' a "Project Initiation Document", a briefing paper or even make Powerpoint slides. This video explains what is expected from candidates and how to write as well as the type of layout in each and every style. Remember, writing effectively, following instructions and using the correct layout give points and these are crucial in passing the exam!

16. “Description of how to know which model to use in SBL”: This is a 'key' video in understanding WHICH MODEL or THEORY to use based on KEY WORDS from SBL's material. For example, the word competition leads to using 5 forces theory while evaluation of strategies leads candidates to use the "Suitability, Acceptability. Feasibility" (SAF) model. There are 25 key words to remember so take notes!

17. Can I pass SBL just by using common sense?: Given that SBL is all about simulating the workplace and being 'professional' and acting in a professional manner, many students ask if it is possible to pass purely by using common sense and not using any model and theory to support their answers. The quick answer is YES they can. Listen to this short, yet interesting video on this point.

  1. “ACCA SBL FAQs” – Answers to student questions about the SBL exam: This video goes over – and answers specifically – common questions that students ask about ACCA’s SBL exam. For example, can a student use 2 theories? Can you gain more than 1 mark for a valid point etc. Check it out! ALSO GOOD FOR YOUTUBE

  1. REPLACED with PREVIOUS with same title: Why candidates fail ACCA’s SBL: Candidates fail because they usually fail to analyse and extend their answers. Watch this video to ensure you do not make these mistakes and how to ensure you do pass at first attempt. – ALSO GOOD FOR YOUTUBE PLEASE

20. “Corporate Governance”: is the starting point, as it is the way in which companies are directed and controlled in the best interests of stakeholders. The logic in the course is to start analysing a company from TOP to bottom. From Governance and Structure along with Ethics to Implementation.

21. “Key concepts of corporate governance”: A 'must see' video as the content in this video can be used for almost EVERY answer relating to corporate governance and business ethics. This video can give you additional marks if used in such questions/requirements.

22. “Stakeholders”: Understanding Stakeholders, mapping them and checking their conflict is crucial for every organization. Stakeholders are those individuals and groups that have an interest and/or can influence the organization. It is important for the organization to SATISFY them all to ensure its smooth operations. Remember that.

23. “Agency theory” (or relationship) is the foundation upon which governance exists. Companies have 'agents' working on behalf of the owners. These agents need to always work in the best interest of the company and protect the company's interests.

24. “Board of Directors”: The most CENTRAL element in Governance. Most companies, especially listed companies have a board (or even 2 boards), that supervise, create the mission and strategy of the organization and have to collectively protect the company. This video has all the relevant information about the board in less than 4 minutes, such the role of Non Executive Directors, the types of boards, the reason for committees, diversity and other important elements.

25. Board Diversity: A very interesting video on why a board needs to be Diverse. People with different expertise, know-how, from different backgrounds, yound and old, men and women, different religions, from different geographical areas always help in providing different viewpoints, ideas and challenging concepts. A good board is a diverse board.

  1. Chairman & CEO: A short video on the difference between the Chairman and CEO, their roles in a business and it is best practice for two people to hold these positions and not the same person (segregation of duties)

27. “Corporate Governance Country Frameworks”: Every country has its own laws and therefore countries can provide the framework within which listed companies need to operate. This video explains the main differences between the UK's Corporate Governance Code and the USA's Sarbanes Oxley Act and why codes matter along with their pros and cons.

28. “Risk Management Process”: A very concise video on the Risk Management Process. Extremely important in understanding how to Manage Risk in a logical sequence. This video can help you answer Risk Management requirements in the exam.

29. “Code of Ethics”: Codes of Ethics are very important for organisations. Watch this video to understand why and how they play an important role for companies, how they support professionalism of employees and what some classic 'contents' would be if asked to prepare an outline.

30. “Corporate Responsibility” is an element of effective Corporate Governance. In this short video, CR is explained, defined and also some of the most important responsibilities of companies are noted to remember for the exam.

31. “CPD – Continuing Professional Development”: A short video to watch WHY board directors need to also continue to update their knowledge the same way ACCA members should. The rationale is the same. Changes happen dramatically these days and therefore it is essential to be able to cope and stay up to date in order to be effective.

32. “Vision and Mission” begins the Strategic part of SBL. Every company must have a vision and a mission. The terms are 'abused' unfortunately in the real world, however their importance remains and they are 'different'. Vision is the grad idea and Mission how to get there. Recent theories also talk about the mission being the PURPOSE of the organization (see SInek, 2007 - Start with Why).

33. “External Analysis”: A short video on what "EXTERNAL ANALYSIS" means. As you have probably seen in the previous videos as well as in the FLOWCHART, companies can be broken into 2 sections, External and Internal. External means everything happening outside the company's doors and Internal everything that happens within the company's doors. This is useful as if there is a requirement in the exam that has to do with environment or competition, you should know where to look and what to use from that area of the flowchart.

34. “PESTEL”: This video explains one of the most 'classic' models in business, PESTEL which can be used if the requirement asks you to analyse, or evaluate the 'environment' in the case. Of course you may also be asked to demonstrate understanding of 'commercial acumen' which implies - in most cases - understanding the way an organization operates within its environment. Don't be afraid to use this model alongside other 'external' models as indicated in the flowchart.

35. “5 Forces Theory”: A concise video on understanding Michael Porter's 5 forces theory which is used to evaluate the competitive environment or the 'profitability' of an industry. As Porter suggests, every industry is different but this model can be used to understand where the organization can actually make money in its industry and where it is probably losing money (i.e. supplier power forcing margins down or high customer power due to low switching costs etc.). Extremely important for the exam.

36. “Porter’s Diamond”: An amazing model explaining why and how COUNTRIES (not companies) can have a national competitive advantage. As it can be assumed, if a country has some unique resources (i.e. oil, climate, know-how etc.) it can have a competitive advantage thus making organisations operating in such an environment possibly benefit from this uniqueness by operating in that country or even taking PART of their operation in their supply chain to that country. For example, Apple designs phones in the USA taking advantage of the US's talent in innovation and design, while it assembles the phone (at least until the time of publishing this course) in China, thus taking advantage of the top quality resources (talent) in China in terms of technology know-how, scalability for production and market.

37. “Internal Analysis”: A short video on understanding what "internal" analysis means - along the lines of "external". Here, I include elements and theories that relate to "INSIDE" the company (like strategy, Critical Success factors, Value chain, Portfolio, strategy etc.)

38. Critical Success Factors & Balanced Scorecard: This video explains the concept of Critical Success Factors and why it is important for companies to focus on what ‘Really” matters in business. The basis upon which the Balances Scorecard was developed in 1990 was the CSFs, and therefore an explanation on what the Balanced Scorecard is, is provided.

39. “Big Data”: An extremely important video on the topic of our era (big data). Data is the new 'oil' and companies need data to understand trends, forecast demand, make budgets and make predictions based on the data they collect and 'mine'. In the 21st century data is becoming more and more important as it is coming very fast (Velocity), is of different kind (Variety) and we are overwhelmed by how much data is being produced (volume) due to the fast pace of our world, globalisation and 24/7 connectivity. The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to create more data...

40. “Porter’s Generic Strategies”: Companies need to have a 'generic strategy' to compete in its market. This video explains the Generic Strategies model in an extremely simple way to help you understand what it is all about along with examples.

41. “The BCG Matrix” (Boston Consulting Group Matrix) examines a company's portfolio of services or products but can also be used for a company's subsidiary products. Understand in this video what cash cows, stars, question marks and dogs mean in strategy terms.

42. “Value Chain”: The value chain is based on the assumption that VALUE is CREATED or ADDED when 9 activities within companies are COORDINATED well. These activities are broken down into 2 groups (support and primary) and only if these activities are based on the company's generic strategy/philosophy and work in a coordinated, effective and efficient way, the company can add value.

  1. Benchmarking: This video explains the concept of benchmarking, how it is used, its advantages as well as its disadvantages for organizations. It also mentions some examples.

44. “Culture”: If there is a question on culture in the exam, you can use the 7 elements of the Cultural Web, a very useful model/theory that examines 7 areas to understand a company's culture.

45. “Market Segmentation”: Among the top areas that are important to know in marketing is segmentation. Companies need to know the profiles of their customers and when organising them into homogenous groups, this is called segmentation. Watch this video to understand the area and explain it in the context of the SBL case if it comes up.

46. “Marketing Mix – 7 P’s”: This video talks about and explains probably the most important marketing theory in the world, the Marketing mix, also known as 7 P's. In the older days it was called '4P's however if an organization is offering a 'service' 7 P's may be more appropriate.

47. “6 I's Elements” in Marketing refers to the characteristics and advantages for Marketing on-line in a digital way. All elements start with an "I" so we can remember them better.

48. “SWOT analysis”: One of the most well-known business models of all time. You may not be asked to undertake a SWOT analysis for the exam but you may be asked to state the POSITION of the company. If you see this word, it implies SWOT which is a static but very important model to list and analyse the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a company. Remember to ANALYSE the points raised within the context of the case, not just list them. Strengths and Weaknesses are usually internal areas (found from inside the company), while Opportunities and Threats are from outside the company (External areas).

49. “Directional Policy Matrix”: This video explains how many directions a company can take towards growth. The simplicity of Ansoff's model featured is amazing. After the SWOT analysis comes growth usually and the direction chosen is based on the SWOT (position). After directions, methods follow.

50. “Methods for Growth”: This video explains the various methods a company has to grow after the direction from Ansoff's model is chosen. Practically speaking there are about 7 methods that companies use: Licensing, Franchising, Merger, Acquisition, Joint Venture (or Alliance), Organic and Exporting. In the exam, if you are asked to EVALUATE a strategy such as one of these you need to examine it by asking 3 words: Suitability, Acceptability and Feasibility (next video in sequence).

51. “Suitability, Acceptability, Feasibility (SAF)”: This video explains how to evaluate a strategic direction chosen. For example, if a company decides to acquire another company, is this strategy Suitable for the organization? Is it Acceptable? is it Feasible? In your answer you need to know the pros and cos of acquisitions and ask yourself questions such as is this idea acceptable to the stakeholders of the company? Is it feasible? Does the company have capabilities? Resources? know-how? Does the company have cash etc. etc.

52. “Change Management”: A very important topic of our era. What is change? Why is it important? Why are people resistant? How can we manage change? Watch this video to get the basics on change and some examples that you can use for the exam.

53. “Project Management”: This video is a Mini Project Management course on the "basics of project management". It includes what projects are, their constraints, the role of the project manager, the business case, the PID, the lessons learnt, the tools Project Managers use and other important points to help you understand the topic towards preparing for the exam.

54. Leadership: A video on a very challenging topic. It goes over the difference between leadership and management, the traits of a good leader and some of the basic theories and styles of leadership like the situational leadership model;

Enhance your chances of passing ACCA’s Strategic Business Leader through a series of videos on all main topics & themes

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What you will learn
  • Exam technique, time management and handling the exhibits!
  • The logic of the whole exam through a unique flowchart methodology!
  • Key Business Models and theories to help you answer SBL's requirements and when to use them!

Rating: 4.66667

Level: All Levels

Duration: 3.5 hours

Instructor: Dr Constantine "Dino" Kiritsis

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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