Bridging The Spiritual Gap

Bridging The Spiritual Gap

Take your Spiritual journey to the next level

Do you want to learn more about how you can continue your journey and experience a new way to incorporate spiritual practices into your daily life?

If you're ready to leave behind the fears and limitations of the ego and step into the spiritual life you've long known is waiting for you, you’re invited to join Jen Febel for a soul-nourishing journey into the exploration of you, the universe and all the space in between.

Take control of your spiritual journey to attain a new level of understanding and connection to yourself and the people in your life. During this course, I will share with you all the tips and tricks you need to make playing with energy fun, easy and – most of all – effective. Together we’ll learn how to cultivate our inner compass to enable us to walk our path with grace and ease.


- You are curious about the spiritual world and ready to learn more about how to work with universal energy

- You are feeling disconnected and have been searching for that missing link

- Your soul has been whispering for more and you're finally ready to tune in and listen

- You are looking for ways to see the bigger picture and don't know where to start

- You have been working with energy for a while and are eager to delve deeper

If your soul has been calling out to you and you’re ready to tune in and listen, this course is for you. Whether you are brand new to the spiritual path or have been working with energy for a while, this course will give you a new perspective, teach you new rituals and tools and help you connect with your Self in a whole new way.

An Spiritual Development Course

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What you will learn
  • How to set up a sacred space for meditation
  • How to access your intuitive gifts
  • How to work with sacred geometry

Rating: 5

Level: All Levels

Duration: 6 hours

Instructor: Jennifer Febel

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