Course on Practical Spirituality
Course on Practical Spirituality
This Course in Practical Spirituality is made up of 15 lectures based on real stories of the life of Dr. Ana from a spiritual point of view, published in her books available in Amazon on the topics of metaphysics, spirituality, vibrational healing, energy, emotional intelligence, self-help, personal development, alchemy and strategies for success.
1. The Way of Spirit
In this lecture, I speak of the story of Jerome, of the last great Native American warrior stronghold against the American occupation of the land of the Apaches. What really moved me is that this One Man stood firm against a Vast Power because he believed he was a warrior and that there was enough land for everyone to live on it as free men. This is an inspiring story intended to help people reconnect with their own inner power and increase their awareness towards a healthier relationship with the earth.
2. Unconditional Love for the Self
In this lecture, I talk about the basis of a healthy life: that is a healthy love for oneself. It is important to feel compassion and acceptance for yourself and stop judging and criticizing yourself if you want to experience a fulfilling life. When we feel limited to doing things, it is not because life limits us: it is because we limit ourselves. If we believe that something cannot be done, that becomes our truth. I think it was Henry Ford who said: "If you think something can or can't be done, you're right".
3. Dreams Vs Expectations
In this lecture, I talk about our dreams. Do we have them or not? Or more specifically: Do we dare to have them or not? After many years lost in the uncertainty of whether I should focus on reality and not waste my energy on useless dreams, as I started on the spiritual path I realized that dreams are necessary for us to focus on our greatest potential or truth. But they require us to have faith in ourselves and in the Universe so we must develop the courage to dare to dream and to hold onto our highest potential.
4. Meditation and Spiritual Growth
In this lecture, I talk about the way in which we can easily meditate daily so as to be able to keep a simple practice, one that is easily compatible with our busy lives. This should help us stop our frantic rhythms, which prevent us from being centered, and successfully negotiate our everyday situations calmly. Meditation is the most important tool for self-development and spiritual growth. We believe that meditation requires the mastery of very difficult techniques and that only advanced gurus or shamans can truly do it and that only they can achieve what we call Nirvana. However, meditation is an activity that we all can and should do to help calm the mind and access our inner guidance.
5. Negativity or Lack of Perspective
In this lecture, I talk about the concept of negativity. Sometimes when we feel stressed and can't seem to bear the pressure of the demands our modern lives place on us, it seems like we are powerless to avoid falling into what some of us might call a negative mindset. Life is a balance of polarities: good and evil, light and dark, love and hate ... they are two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other. So I believe that it is when we lose this perspective that we actually believe ourselves to be negative.
6. The Matrix (Spiritual)
In this lecture, I speak of the movie "The Matrix" with spiritual overtones. What is this movie really about? The mind tries to grasp it and, in the end,, you have to stop thinking about it or you are in danger of overloading your systems. But think about it: the grid is the physical world, the illusion that what we see is true. When you disconnect from the machines, you are in the spiritual world, the meaning beyond matter and what holds everything together. In general, this is a largely untapped energy system because we don't know how to connect with it. If you want to know more, keep on reading... you might be surprised.
7. Talking About Our Strengths
In this discussion I speak of a situation that occurs when we develop spiritually and begin to discover new gifts or "strengths" that we did not know we had and never expected to have. The secret is to focus on ourselves to the exclusion of everything else to focus and establish our new foundations - I do not mean to let go of our responsibilities but to start seeing life from the inner Self. The questions I ask you in this story are: Are we prepared to let go of opportunities around the corner just because we know they will require energy and effort? Am I going to continue trying to force my destiny or am I going to let my Ego run my life to keep me in integrity? In other words, will I honor my expansion or will I settle for limitation, shrinking my soul into an increasingly stifling reality?
8. Talking About Contact
In this lecture, I talk about the way in which the Universe brings us what we want. But for this, we need to focus our energy in such a way that we can visualize what we want in as much detail as possible. Then, with absolute confidence, let go of our wish as we know that the Universe has already heard us - or "taken our order". This will be delivered to us at the right time. Not before, not after.
9. Talking About Resistance
In this lecture, I say that until one reaches a certain level of spiritual growth, the Ego tries to control the Game of Life and this is why it is so difficult for us to reach agreements with others, or allow others to express their true opinions: because we feel challenged and therefore, we adopt a defensive stance. When we exchange communications with others and we feel that they tell us that we are wrong, our self-esteem suffers... But it simply means that our unresolved fears make us uncomfortable ... and we react.
10. Talking About Struggle
In this lecture, I talk about how during the day (at home, at work, with our friends...) we sometimes have interactions that leave us with a bad feeling. Our heads start spinning thinking about what we said or should have said, what we did not say or should not have said... We can feel hurt or upset, angry or depressed, but all these negative emotions end up with the same effect: Resistance to What Is. Because when we accept our present exactly as it is pre-sent-ed to us, we stop fighting.
11. Talking About Freedom
In this lecture, I speak of freedom: even in the most serious cases of deprivation of liberty (for example, being in prison in nightmarish circumstances and for a long period of time), a prisoner has the ability to feel free. We do not need to be in jail to feel like prisoners, just as we are not necessarily free because we are in the outside world. Freedom is a feeling and we can achieve it with our evolution and personal development.
12. The Balance Between Giving and Receiving
In this lecture, I speak of the concept of giving and receiving with unconditional love and not as a manipulative process with which to keep another person dependent on us. This causes a lack of dignity in the person who receives when they are not allowed to reach the point of integrity in which they can return the gift, the action or the help or whatever they want to return in exchange of what they received ... And this has to happen when they are ready: without us expecting anything in return. Because as I say in this story, when giving is done out of love leaving aside results and expectations, it comes back to us tenfold. But for this, we have to realize that, once the gift has left our hand, it is no longer our responsibility.
13. The Need to Be Heard
In this lecture, I ask the question of whether we really feel heard. Being present energetically is not as easy as it seems. For this, we must listen with our hearts and not want to manipulate another. We must express ourselves without really wanting to impose the message on another and we must have faith that, whoever needs to receive it, will receive it effortlessly. For this, we must leave others free to choose their path and if they decide to take into account our message or our example, we must unconditionally be grateful because we have been able to be part of the development of another person but by their own choice alone.
14. Healing of the Heart
In this lecture, I speak of the basis of a healthy life that is a healthy love for oneself. It is important to feel compassion and acceptance for oneself and to stop judging and criticizing ourselves if one wants to experience a fulfilling life. When we feel limited to doing things, it is not because life limits us: it is because we limit ourselves. If we believe that something cannot be done, that becomes our truth. I think it was Henry Ford who said, "If you think something can or can't be done, you're right."
15. The Present is Perfect
In this lecture, I talk about a situation that occurs when we develop spiritually and begin to discover new gifts or strengths that we did not know we had and never expected to have. The secret is to focus on ourselves to the exclusion of everything else in order to establish our new foundations. And I do not mean to let go of our responsibilities but to begin to see life from the eyes of our Inner Self. The questions I ask in this story are: Are we prepared to let go of opportunities around the corner just because we know they will require energy and effort? Am I going to continue trying to force my destiny to allow my Ego run my life or am I going to stay in integrity? In other words, Will I honor my expansion or will I settle for limitation, shrinking my soul into an increasingly stifling reality?
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Finding Spirit in Everyday Life
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What you will learn
- Spirituality
- Metaphysics
- Vibrational healing

Rating: 4.5
Level: Beginner Level
Duration: 2.5 hours
Instructor: Dr Ana Garcia PhD DTM
Courses By: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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