Boundaries 101 - How To Create and Set Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries 101 - How To Create and Set Healthy Boundaries
What if you could create healthy boundaries easily without any conflict or stress?
Whether it's boundaries at school, work, or with your parents, you can create healthy boundaries with ease and grace. It is absolutely within your reach. You CAN DO IT!
You are in charge of your mind palace and you have the power to control what engages with it or enters it.
Confused, stressed out to the max, ready to blow your top. Your emotions are filled up to the max, and you have no idea how you are going to get through another day of your boundaries being stepped on.
Angry, ready to cut off people, and break off relationships. You are sick and tired of your boundaries being stepped on, repeatedly, and you are ready to get rid of all the people in your life who don't understand you.
Frustrated, because it seems no one is listening to you and your needs. You get angry or upset with the things others do and that should be hint enough for them to stop it, but they don't get it, and in fact, they just keep going, as if your needs don't matter.
Anxious because you want to create boundaries, but don't know how.
You know the next logical step in your personal development is to create boundaries, but you are mystified at how you are supposed to do it. Others make it seem easy, but you just don't get how to go about it.
Unsure of how to connect the dots between your ideal and reality. You want to live in an ideal world where everyone understands your boundaries and sticks to them, no matter what. But reality doesn't match up with your ideal world at all!
Crave connection and fulfilling relationships. You are not a complete ogre; you want to be great fulfilling relationships, but not if it means going without boundaries, and your boundary skills at the moment are non-existent.
Ready to do something different, try anything new to get out of this funk in your life. You are sick of being stuck where you are, and you want to level up. You know that if you could just learn how to create better boundaries, you would be so much better off. You want different results, but you don't know how.
Don't worry, I totally get you. Thankfully, you're in the right place.
I was never good at boundaries when I was younger. In fact, I would have been what they called a push-over. I was a people-pleaser, and I did whatever the crowd said, even if it meant doing something that I wasn't comfortable doing.
I hated myself for being like this, but what else could I do? I wanted people to like me and I was afraid that if I told them exactly what I wanted or desired, they would get angry with me and run away. I didn't want to lose all of my friendships and relationships.
But this harmony that I created externally was fake and took a huge toll on my mental sanity.
I kept going with it, pretending like everything was okay, that it was fine that I needed days or weeks to get over the negativity, resentment, anger, and frustration I felt at other people trampling all over my boundary and not even feeling sorry about it when I got upset. I thought it was normal to be like this, that everyone was dealing with it, and no one else seemed to be upset by it.
Maybe I was just being too touchy. Too picky. Too rigid. I had a lot of adjectives to describe myself, all of which blamed me for my boundaries being stepped on, and not them. It was never their fault; it was always mine.
When did this all change? Well, I can't name a particular moment when I blew up and decided enough was enough, but it was like a slow heat that finally came to a boil. Over time, the pressure inside of me had built up so much that I couldn't bear it anymore. I had to let it go; I had to let it loose, otherwise, I would explode from the inside out.
I had so much I wanted to honestly say to the people around me, and those words were suffocating me from the inside out.
I read these words somewhere, I don't remember where, and it said something like, "You are allowed to say 'No' to the events and people that bother you."
It was like a lightbulb went off in my head. I could say 'No'. Woah! Is that really true? I was too afraid to try, of course.
But it had laid the seed. It was there, sprouting roots, and little by little, getting ready to pop up from the soil. It took a long while after that before I was ready to create a proper boundary.
The first boundary I created was with my parents, and what a terrible idea that was! It makes me laugh now, thinking about it, but I kind of went into the deep end right away. This is something I speak about in the course - how to take baby steps and not do the big boundary building right away. You need to build your confidence up.
Either way, I tried building a boundary with them, but I was terrible at it, and I didn't do a good job. I actually ended up alienating them for a little while, so much so that we stopped talking to each other for a while. That was not a good start to my boundary creation life.
The next boundary I created was with friends, and that went much better. I could explain to them what I needed, and they were actually understanding enough to not push me on it.
It wasn't all roses though, because I ended up losing a couple of friends because of my boundary creation. They didn't get it, and they thought I was being unreasonable. Again, it was just a difference of opinion, and it doesn't mean that they were right or I was wrong. This is something I will speak about in the course.
As time went on, I created more and more boundaries. I moved to Chiang Mai and started afresh, which was a big help in the whole boundary creation process. No one knew who I was there, so they didn't have any preconceived notions to place upon me.
I created boundaries with people hither and thither, and sometimes they got it, sometimes they didn't. Either way, I was going to create boundaries, no matter if it made me unpopular.
Finally, the day of reckoning came, when I came back home and started creating boundaries with my parents again. I will say this in the course, but if you can create boundaries with your parents, you can create boundaries with anyone!! They are the toughest crowd out there.
I was mildly successful with that which boosted my boundary ego up, and I decided I was a boundary creation queen now. I titled myself - yes, I did.
After that, I would get asked by YouTube viewers and friends to teach them how to create better boundaries with the surrounding people. I have been getting questions about boundary creation for the past 2-3 years now, but as I am kind of slow on the uptake, I didn't think about creating a course on it, until now.
Yeesh. Thankfully, the lightbulb went off, and here are the results from that. My Boundaries 101 Course! Yay!!
I hope this brief explanation of my life and where it took me helps; you decide if I am the right person to teach you this skill.
I am a big believer that everything arrives in your life at the right time and in the right way. If you are sitting there on your desk or bed, reading these words, the universe sent you here to take this course. Maybe you will decide against it, or maybe you will buy the course right away. Either way, the universe thinks this is a useful path to take for you.
No fear though if you end up deciding not to take this course right now. Maybe it isn't the right time for you. No problem. This course will sit here, on this website, waiting for the right moment in your life.
If boundary creation is an issue for you, that threatens your mental sanity, then it's time for you to take up arms against it, by learning how to do it properly. There's an art and a skill to everything, and boundary creation is no exception. I've learned how to circumnavigate this essential skill in life, and I truly want to help you do the same. I hope to help you become a successful boundary creator.
The glorious thing about this course is that you don't have to repeat my mistakes. You don't have to go through the difficulties in boundary creation as I did. You don't have to tumble through it and come out worse for the wear on the other end. With my 5+ years of experience, you will avoid all the mishaps and mistakes. You can avoid the mess and go straight to the good stuff, to the glory that is healthy boundary creation.
All you have to do is start.
I am grateful for your support and thankful that you read my spiel all the way to the end. Good luck with everything you end up doing, and I send you good vibes.
Don’t Let People Stamp All Over Your Boundaries Anymore
Url: View Details
What you will learn
- Learn what are boundaries and why they are important
- Learn how to create and set healthy boundaries
- Learn how to set boundaries in a wide variety of situations

Rating: 4
Level: Beginner Level
Duration: 3 hours
Instructor: Boom Shikha
Courses By: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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