ACCA: Financial Accounting FA/FFA in Uzbek Language
ACCA: Financial Accounting FA/FFA in Uzbek Language
The course contains all the topics in the syllabus of Financial Accounting. It provides you with burning lectures on each topic explained in detail and homework tasks on each lesson. The course starts with Double Entry Bookkeeping and ends with Interpretation of Financial Statements.
Ushbu kurs ACCA Moliyaviy hisob dasturi bo'yicha barcha mavzularni o'z ichiga oladi. Kursda har bir mavzu bo'yicha ma'ruza mashg'ulotlar hamda har bir dars uchun uyga vazifa topshiriqlari mavzud. Kurs Ikkiyoqlama Yozuv mavzusi bilan boshlab Moliyaviy hisobotlar tahlili mavzusi bilan tugaydi.
Nega aynan ACCA?
ACCA Xalqaro moliya va Buxgalteriya boʻyicha oʻqituvchi tizim hisoblanib, uning sertifikatiga ega boʻlgan insonlar nafaqat chet elda, balki Oʻzbekistonda ham yuqori maosh evaziga ishlay oladi.
U dunyoning 181 davlatida tan olingan boʻlib, F(1-9) va P(1-5) bosqichlariga boʻlinadi. ACCAʼning dastlabki 9 yaʼni F1-F9 bosqichini tugatganingizdan soʻng Oxford-Brookesʼning bakalavr yoki yana qoʻshimcha P1 va P2 bosqichini tugatsangiz Top 20ʼga kiruvchi University of Londonʼning magistr diplomiga ega boʻlasiz.
ACCA Buyuk Britaniyaning Charter maqomiga ega. Shuningdek, u 5ta davlat — Avstraliya, BAA, Singapur, Malayziya va Kanada davlatlarining CPA (Sertifikatlangan bosh buxgalter) darajasiga ham tengdir.
Agarda siz chet elda ushbu sertifikatlar orqali ishlashni istasangiz, ish beruvchi bir nechta Top brendlar sizni bemalol ishga qabul qila oladi. Bular: Big Four (Deloitte, Pwc, E&Y, KPMG) JP Morgan, Coca-Cola kabi siz tanigan kompaniyalardir.
Aytgancha, ACCAʼning yetarlicha sertifikatiga ega boʻlgan inson qaysidir universitet yoki institutda oʻqishi shart emas yaʼni ishga joylashish jarayonida O'zbekistonda ham diplom talab qilinmaydi.
- Introduction to accounting
- The regulatory framework
- The qualitative characteristics of financial information
- Sources, records and books of prime entry
- Ledger accounts and double entry
- From trial balance to financial statements
- Inventory
- Tangible non-current assets
- Intangible non-current assets
- Accruals and prepayments
- Irrecoverable debts and allowances
- Provisions and contingencies
- Sales Tax
- Control accounts
- Bank reconciliations
- Correction of errors
- Preparation of financial statements for sole traders
- Incomplete records
- Introduction to company accounting
- Preparation of financial statements for companies
- Events after the reporting period
- Statements of cash flows
- Introduction to consolidated financial statements
- The consolidated statement of financial position
- The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
- Interpretation of financial statements
The First Online Financial Accounting (F3) Course conducted in Uzbek Language.
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What you will learn
- Complete knowledge of Financial Accounting
- The Basic Knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standard
- Accounting of Inventory, Non-Current Assets, Trade Receivables and Payables, Capital Structure

Rating: 0
Level: Beginner Level
Duration: 13.5 hours
Instructor: Azizbek Gafurjonov
Courses By: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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