Applied Sanskrit by 50 Vikram Vetal Story Sentence Analytics

Applied Sanskrit by 50 Vikram Vetal Story Sentence Analytics

Stories are part of our life and every one of us has a story.

Our life is an ongoing story for which you’re the main character. It has its ups and downs. Some parts are exciting. Some others are discouraging. But no matter what happens, it keeps on moving forward.

I hate memorizing wordlists in a new language. They plague the language-learning community by letting new learners believe they have to plow through one or two thousand words before they can do anything in a language.

As the story progresses, words that matter will appear again and again, and such words get wired in our neuro network. By reading many short stories, we would have cemented our knowledge of many words and expressions without ever actually spending time scratching our head while repeating it to ourselves. Context gives meaning. Context shows nuances. Context aids remembering. In short, context matters. A lot. Short stories will revolutionize our learning journey.

That is why I could easily get a fine grip on this oldest language which is very perplexing in the beginning and slowly we get a big picture of the language expression gradually and confidently.

By taking up this course where in I will be discussing FIFTY stories entirely for complete understanding of sentence constructions, nouns, verbs, voice of speech and other Krdanta and Taddhitanta words, you will get a clear picture of sentence construction and how the native expression of Sanskrit language is different from other languages. From these 50 story analysis, all the topics and language knowledge you learnt in my Course-1, Course-2 and Course-3 can be very lucidly and fluently examined for how they are practically applied in expressions of mind and mood.

By completing this course you would have learnt thousands of words commonly used in our day to day conversation and you feel like speaking on your own naturally without thinking about sentence constructions, because you studied thousands of sentences in these 50 stories.

Please give a try and find yourself the comfort you get in understanding and expressing yourself in the oldest Sanskrit language

Analyze and Understand Sanskrit in Easy Ways

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What you will learn
  • Learn to know each word in a sentence for proper Vibhakti usage in Sanskrit Language
  • Learn sentence construction in Active, Passive and Impersonal Voices in Sanskrit Language
  • Learn relations between Noun, Vibhakti and Gender in a sentence in Sanskrit Language

Rating: 5

Level: Beginner Level

Duration: 98.5 hours

Instructor: Shankar Iyer

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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