Attraction for Success

Attraction for Success


  • Do you feel Attractive?

  • Are you able to consistently manifest the things you really wish for into your life?

  • Are you able to magnetize money and abundance?

  • Is happiness something you experience every day of your life or something you merely aspire to?

  • Are your relationships nurturing, loving and supporting?

Attraction for Success brings you magic and energy. You will learn that Attraction lives in the Now, the place and time where opportunities can find you!


Most people think that to be attractive means to look attractive. However, reading fashion magazines and interviews from some of the top models in the world, you would be surprised to find that they don’t see themselves as beautiful as the rest of the world does: they somehow find faults with their physique and looks, just like any woman does.

Attraction is not something that exists on the outside: attraction is a magnetic quality that some people have, regardless of body shape and/or appearance.

Throughout this program I state that anyone can feel attractive, anyone can become attractive, and everyone has the right and the responsibility to feel happy inside their skin and, therefore, to shine from within with the light of attraction.

We are so used to believing that life is hard and money is hard to earn, that we forget to be happy. Starting by accepting, acknowledging, and being grateful for the gifts we were naturally given, those that we acquired on the way, and the skills and resources that we have developed within the work or profession we do.

The abundance of love and support that we are given by the people around us, and the unlimited bounty that the Universe has to offer us, is all just at the end of our fingertips.

Knowing this makes us attractive.

Manifesting our dreams is not something that only a few privileged people can achieve.

Just like attraction, we all have the power of our thoughts (that’s to say, the energy that our thoughts are made of) to use as we wish, and to produce or create either good (positive, nurturing, fulfilling events and experiences in our life) or bad (draining, negative ones).

It is time to stop thinking that hard work, painful effort, struggle and friction are necessary for us to move forward in life… this is, unless we chose to learn our life-lessons this way.

I believe that effortless attraction is the way of the future for light and aware individuals who want to learn their earth-lessons by moving towards the light (awareness, understanding, compassion and love), moving away from pain (self-criticism, self-punishment, guilt, remorse, unforgiveness and emotional drama).

I hope you enjoy it!


1. Are You Attractive?

Attraction is not something that exists on the outside: attraction is a magnetic quality that some people have, regardless of body shape and/or appearance.

Throughout this program I state that anyone can feel attractive, anyone can become attractive, and everyone has the right and the responsibility to feel happy inside their skin and, therefore, to shine from within with the light of attraction.

2. Misconception about the word Attraction

People are attracted to you because of the energy that you give out, not because you look or behave in a certain way. You can try to manipulate the world so that it sees you in a specific light, but the world will always see through you: your incongruences and self-deceptions, your delusion of being something or someone that you are not.

3. Attraction Quiz

In order to find out where you are in the Attraction Scale, try the following quiz.

Give a number from 1 to 5 to each one of the following questions (1 is absolutely not true for you and 5 is completely true for you).

The column before is to be done at the beginning of this work. The column After is to be done after a certain period has passed, or when you feel you have achieved a certain level of improvement, or after finishing the book and the meditations in it.

Note 1: Do not think the answers: simply give the number according to a feeling or intuition, not a thought!

Note 2: Keep this form and use it as a compass every time you forget what effortlessness feels like!

In the following lectures we will go through an explanation about the energy behind each one of the 10 items of this quiz. As you read through, you may want to refine your previous answers.

4 Attraction Statement 1: “I Attract my Thoughts”

We know that thoughts are energy. However, the world of energy is ruled by specific laws, which we are becoming more and more acquainted with, very much like the three-dimensional world is ruled by the laws of physics that we study at school, for instance.

These energetic laws rule the fact that thought-energy starts in the higher dimensional reality, which is much more subtle than our physical 3D reality. So, when a seed (a thought) is received and charged with intention or e-motion (energy-in-motion), then it starts the process of being born… of manifesting.

5. Attraction Statement 2: “I Am Clear of my Past”

Unresolved memories take a huge amount of energy from us as we silently struggle to keep them under wraps. And while we are doing this, we are creating a block of energy that affects our body in the proportion of the amount of time we have held onto it, have refused to look at it, or haven’t been able to integrate it into our mind-body-spirit field.

Energetically speaking, it is a dense area of energy that doesn’t flow… and as we know, water that doesn’t flow, stagnates. Therefore, every single cell in our body, which is alive and has cosmic intelligence, also holds these memories.

It is a micro-cosmos within the larger macro-cosmos, for as within, so is without, and vice-versa.

6. Attraction Statement 3: “I Practice Intuitive Action”

It is important to become emotionally independent. For this, we need to give to ourselves everything we need without expecting it from others. This way you become self-reliant, self-conscious, independent, self-aware… and your relationships will reflect just that.

What does this mean? It means that when you are independent, energetically and in your psyche, you can’t have relationships with co-dependent people. You will also clear all your karmic debts with your group, family or clan, and will be able to move forward through life without interfering with another.

In the process, everyone around you will experience exactly this same rebalancing and healthy detachment. Following your individual destinies, you will demonstrate to each other mutual support as you are all interwoven together in one bigger web.

7. Attraction Statement 4: “I Create my Life through Intention”

Intention is the key that starts the engine of the Heart. Intention wakes you up from a dormant state and imposes a point of awareness in your mind, activating a circulation of energy around your body, spinning the chakras into activity and moving the whole mind-body-spirit system into a specific direction, in order to be able to achieve a specific outcome.

We may not be aware at that point of what the outcome is, but we need to trust that when we are activated, it is because a previous desire, wish or want has tapped into an open flow of energy that offers us the opportunity to take us there.

8. Attraction Statement 5: “I Am Energy Efficient”

Part of moving into the 5thdimensional world (the world where we manifest with our thoughts) is the ability to choose such thoughts. And as we choose them, we are actually making decisions on what to focus on.

We can choose a healthy lifestyle and dedicate ourselves to continuously cleansing the debris in our lives: friendships that take more than they give us, negative thought-forms, both inherited and acquired during our lifetime(s), self-defeating attitudes, self-sabotaging patterns…

We have to understand that these hidden patterns are subconscious and very sneaky, difficult to pinpoint, to find, to address and to resolve. At this level, and with this state of body-mind, the energy can circulate better through our body, as there are fewer blocks or dead weight (literally) that we carry around: meridians, nervous system, and other energy pathways can then function in optimum condition.

9. Attraction Statement 6: “I have a Regular Contemplative Practice”

Although the majority of people think of meditation as something that only very advance priests or shamans can do well, or that it requires specific attributes, skills and attitudes, really anybody can and should meditate.

If we were to describe meditation, we could use the analogy of digestion.

When we eat, certain chemical responses take place in our body in order to break down the food into small particles that can be absorbed by our cells. If there is an interruption of this process and the food does not reach the cells themselves, we may eat, but we will not obtain the nourishment we need.

10. Attraction Statement 7: “I Love Who I have been and Who I Am Now”

Have you heard the “Midas King” tale? The story goes that this king had the power to transform everything he touched into gold. The good news is that he was very rich, but the bad news is that he couldn’t touch those he loved most because… well, you know. But this is not the part of the story I am interested in.

All through the centuries we find writings recording man’s obsession with the transformation of lesser value metals into gold. The endless trials that men of science have carried out throughout time in order to achieve this goal, resulted sometimes in false claims… Some accounts say that the goal was accomplished but, somehow, the formula was never found, let alone a consistent way to duplicate it.

Spiritual Alchemy is the process in which we turn the so call negative experiences of life (equivalent to the base metals) into treasures and lessons, transmuting our awareness into that of light (the vibrational frequency of gold).

Because in fact, we are light.

11. Attraction Statement 8: “My Life Happens Effortlessly”

It is hard to believe that we have all the answers right inside ourselves, as well as written in the stars and pulsating from Mother Earth… but we can only access this wisdom when we allow our Ego to dissolve.

The fight between the spirit and Ego is titanic. Our Ego or personality wants to rule and control our lives, which greatly reduces the flow towards our potential. Our Ego is, in a nutshell, the main creator of pain and confusion in our lives.

It is small and limited and it is fear-based. It doesn’t trust and it always wants to be right. And when it doesn’t get its way, it will use manipulation games in order to misguide us.

But with the determination to look at it in the eye in order to reduce its power over us, by doing the work to transmute our shadow energy into light, I am sure that we will in the end align with the triumph of spirit over matter.

12. Attraction Statement 9: “I Accept Each Moment as a Gift”

When we feel limited it is not because life limits us: it is because we limit ourselves. We believe that something cannot be done, therefore it is true.

We bring ourselves down by focusing on our negative aspects or our limitations.

Most of the time we judge ourselves by other people’s standards: by what they seem to have or what they have achieved, without realizing that that is not our reality.

By drawing attention or energy away from our positive aspects or strengths, these shrink and are diminished, cease to exist or, lay dormant. It is as the old adage: “what you don’t use, you lose”.

Because our external reality is a mirror of our internal truth, the changes that we want to see in the world must first be engineered and thought of inside ourselves, if we want them to be projected and experienced on the outside.

13. Attraction Statement 10: “I Am a Clear Channel for Self-Expression”

Spirit really is efficient, practical, effortless and free-flowing. I can in honesty say today that I could not work for anyone or anything else. And you know that you are successfully working for Spirit when you feel no resistance or struggle: it is stress free.

I know that this may be difficult to imagine, but the way that I manage my spiritual life is by following my inner guidance one moment at a time and releasing my Ego when I feel stuck. I stay on the right path by always containing my emotional energy, dissipating my anxieties with meditation and silence.

And also, by being honest with myself about the truth of my motives at all times, self-disciplining my focus within my own free time and space, and keeping going forward, never quitting, never stopping.

This is the price that I pay for my freedom. And I gladly pay it.

14. Attraction through Movement: Movement Meditation “The Path”

Movement, music and visualization are three of the most powerful tools to release feelings and emotions in a safe environment, and to be able to transmute and realign the liberated energy into more focused and meaningful action.

Since the mind cannot distinguish between what it is and what we think it is, due to the fact that the feelings released create real chemistry in the body (in both actual and imagined situations), then why not utilize this simple activity for our purpose?

Doing movement meditation on a regular basis will help you shift in leaps and bounds. So, would you like to experience it?

But if you are not in the mood for moving, or you actually can’t for any particular reason, you may also do this meditation sitting, or comfortably lying down. All is fine because what really matters is the intention and focus while doing the meditation.

15. Attraction through Intention: Meditation “The Tube of Intention”

I believe that everything we wish to attract already exists within our inner field; what we need is to create a link between our thoughts or rational mind, and the subconscious or knowing part of our being. This link creates an alignment of both, conscious and unconscious forces, allowing a path or channel for our Soul to communicate or express itself through the vehicle of our body.

This tool, for me, is intention. When we don’t intend or consciously direct the energy of our thoughts, these behave like wild horses, galloping forward in our lives in any unexpected direction, creating chaos and havoc.

When we don’t channel our energies through intention, we seem to attract random and undesired events. But when we decide that we want to use intention to tame or manage our energy fields, on a regular basis, our life starts taking the shape we would like it to, and effortlessness becomes our new way of living.

16. Attraction through Body Posture: “The Power Stance” Exercise

The way we stand, the way we portray ourselves to the outside world, represents and screams to others the way we feel about ourselves, our level of confidence and self-esteem, what we perceive ourselves to be.

The clothes we wear are a very important part of our personal presentation to the world: The colours, the shapes, the materials, etc. Although this is part of a different kind of work, it is ultimately necessary in order to finish the packaging, the presentation of who we are.

But I firmly believe that this must always be built on a platform of solid inner strength and self-acceptance, and that we can’t ultimately fool others to perceive us as we are not.

17. Attraction Principles - The 10 Commandments of Attraction

Do you ever wonder what is it that makes some people attract wonderful opportunities and joy into their lives, while we may feel that are stuck in a rut and don’t seem to be able to break free?

By following these 10 principles of commandments of attraction, some of which you may identify with, you will discover that there is much more we can do to attract what we wish for in our lives.

18. Final Attraction Tips

I trust you have enjoyed the journey so far. Remember to do the exercises and go over the text every time when you forget that You Are Already Attractive.

I won’t be surprised to know that you are starting to manifest changes. When you put out into the world new self-beliefs, you start magnetizing your desires and goals to you.

Also, remember to fill in the second column of your Attraction Quiz to verify ownership of the changes that you have implemented.

Before we finish, I would like to highlight a few points related to how we attract success, so that you may further understand the scope of your new awareness in order to bring to you the life you long for.


I have included the EBook "Attraction for Success" in the resources tab of the last module.

The Art of Effortless Living

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What you will learn
  • Law of Attraction
  • Strategies for Success
  • Empowerment

Rating: 0

Level: Beginner Level

Duration: 3 hours

Instructor: Dr Ana Garcia PhD DTM

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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