VOICE OVER ACTING -Instruction in Commercials Animation&more
VOICE OVER ACTING -Instruction in Commercials Animation&more
For the month of NOVEMBER only, this course will be a part of Udemy's sales program!
Normal pricing ($199) will continue afterwards so grab it now while you can and happy learning
Right now included in your purchase of Voice-Over 101 Plus you will also automatically receive the entire "Speak With Confidence" series.
This includes the 'Speak With Confidence' Ebook, the 10 'Speak With Confidence' videos and the MP3's!
Not only will you get the Best-Selling Voice-Over 101 Plus program (description below) but also 'Speak With Confidence' (a $149 value)
Here's what's inside 'Speak With Confidence':
The Ebook:
Chapter 1: Speaking Plainly But Effectively: The Key to Success
Honor the Idea
Be Yourself
Use the Shorter Word
Cut Down the Description
Communication is Your Top Priority
Add the “You” and “Me”
Chapter 2: Research And Plan, Then Research Some More
Knowledge is Power, And Power is Confidence
Chapter 3: The Power Of A Pause
Types of Pauses
Chapter 4: Don’t Forget About Your Body Language
How to Emphasize Your Point Through Body Language Things to Avoid
Chapter 5: Say Goodbye To Filler Language For Good
Think a Bit Before You Speak
Slow It Down
Build Some Pauses In Your Speech
Drink Water
Why Is Filler Language So Bad?
Chapter 6: Speaking With Confidence In the Era of Zoom and Other Digital Formats
Chapter 7: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 8: Speaking Techniques for All Situations
Know Your Topic
Have a Plan
Vocal Exercises
Composing Yourself Before the Big Moment
The Videos:
5 Best Breathing Techniques to Calm Speaking Jitters
5 Secrets for Sounding Confident
5 Tips for Settling Nerves Before the Big Pitch
5 Vocal Exercises Public Speakers Swear By
5 Ways to Recover After Bungling Your Words
How to Demand the Room as an Introvert
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
The Power of Speech In and Out of the Office
The Power Of The Phone- How Your Cellphone Can Help You Prepare For Any Presentation
Why Nobody Wants to See You Fail
PLUS here's what you get with Voice-Over 101 Plus:
***BONUS VIDEO just added:
Due to the high demand from students I've uploaded a new video which walks you through what you'll need to get started with getting your Voice-Over career off the ground
It's an interview with NBC's The Voice contestant Ashley Levin as she asks me questions about what to do to make things happen
I'll talk about Voice-Over demos, agents, pay-to-play sites, having your own website and more to help you hit the ground running
Best-Selling Course Author Michael Christopher presents the breakthrough Voice-Over video program that started it all:
Voice-Over 101 Plus.
Thank you to my over 5k students in 90 countries worldwide for being a part of what has become a best-selling and highest rated program!
Voice-Over 101 Plus:
Do you have a calling to use your voice for cartoons, video games and/or commercials?
Have people told you that you have a great voice but you just weren’t sure what to do to get yourself out there and get started in the world of voice-over?
You’ve come to the right place :)
With Voice-Over 101 Plus you can:
Start turning your voice-over dreams into reality
Learn insider techniques to make your voice-over auditions pop
Access a toolbox full of high-quality acting techniques to unlock your voice-over potential
Have fun with your voice and break barriers that have been holding you back
Study in an organized fashion with a variety of clear techniques that reduce physical and mental strain and effort
Save hours time from endless internet research on how to get started and start now
Connect to the growing VO community via the Q&A and open forum
Feel an overall feeling of wellness and joy knowing you are taking action to follow your dreams
Get motivated to make your life better and experience joy
Learn the techniques to make money with your voice
Try the entire course risk-free with Udemy’s 30-day hassle-free money-back guarantee
5-Star Review*****
"This is the perfect class for busy voice actors to get training and the motivation to succeed in their career. You can work at your own pace and get personal attention from a top industry coach. There are great pro tips and tricks that help you to polish your performances every day and learn to love the art of voice acting throughout your career."
-Janet Wilcox (author of Voice-Over:Techniques and Tactics for Success)
"So it's final! Very excited to share with you that I am now on board with Atlas Talent Agency in Los Angeles as my VO agent! Once again, many many thanks for your directing and coaching!'- Jit Sarkar
UPDATE: 2 weeks later and after a private coaching session with me Jit wrote this:
"I booked and recorded for my role in Curious George. Thanks a lot for coaching and tweaking my audition! And you are right - the director went with my second take :) Really appreciate your insight! "
With Voice-Over 101 Plus you will:
Learn the techniques the pros use for breaking down voice-over copy for Commercials, Animation and more.
Eliminate confusion and understand exactly what to do to make your voice-over reads pop!
Learn simple and effective warm-up techniques that will strengthen and loosen up your voice.
Get voice-over acting tips and tricks that are not available anywhere else in any other course.
Take the course with you anywhere,anytime via your phone or tablet.
And so much more!
The techniques taught in this course have personally helped people book voice-over jobs for Disney, Dreamworks, Curious George, GoDaddy, Maybelline, Freshly, Wellmark and many more. I want YOUR voice to be heard. Voice-Over 101 Plus helps you unleash your unique voice so that your voice can be heard loud and clear in Commercials, Animation and beyond.This course is designed for anyone looking to take their Voice-Over career and reads to the next level.
Has any one ever told you 'You should do Voice-Over?'. So many people have been told this and mistakenly think that a nice voice is all you need to work, but 'HUGE spoiler alert' it is NOT. You need to have a solid, easy-to-use, 'go-to' structure of techniques that you can use over and over again so that your reads pop every time, and I will show you how to do this. I don't waste half of the course talking about microphones and which gear to buy. Why not? Because a.) that is the easiest part of all of this(***read a little further down in a sec) and b.) even if you have the most expensive gear, if your reads suck you won't book it anyway. c.) you can learn about mic placement and editing in your manuals or on youtube for FREE. The truth is that you don't need the best, most expensive and amazing gear to book V.O. work (although it doesn't hurt to have awesome gear!) but you DO need reads that pop, and that is why I created this course.
Sometimes all you need is an iPhone or smartphone to practice and/or book a job, and I show you how to turn bland and noisy phone recordings into recordings that are punchy and awesome. Another thing that Voice-Over 101 Plus has that no other course has, is the "Performance Trainer", a practice tool that makes you stronger and stronger every time that you use it, and you can use it through your smartphone and/or tablet so you can practice anytime and practically anywhere with it!
My goal is to help you de-mystify how to get great Commercial and Animation/Video Game voice-over reads and to make it fun for you at the same time. That is what Voice-Over 101 Plus is all about. Plus, there is a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's time to unleash your inner Voice-Over acting power right now, so try Voice-Over 101 Plus today!
P.S. - I am going to be adding more content to the course with time, so those things will automatically be included in your course as well. If there are any topics you want covered that can help you,I want you to let me know.
P.S.S. - I want to make sure you feel like you have support so I will be answering questions and being active here to make sure you get the most out of the course. If anytime you have questions, just let me know. Let's do this!
To follow on Instagram: @mykalghosthawk
See you inside!
***This course is 100% Organic, Waste-Free and Biodegradable
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"voice" "voice-over" "voice-acting" "acting" "actor" "animation" "commercials" "drama" "theatre" "theater" "stage" "cartoon" "character" "promos" "narration" "television" "movies" "tv" "star"
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Get exciting Commercial, Animation and Video Game Voice-Over reads to be a VO actor and book your next voice over job.
Url: View Details
What you will learn
- Understand and approach Voice-Over copy with confidence and strength so that you can get great agents and book more Voice-Over work.

Rating: 4.75758
Level: All Levels
Duration: 6 hours
Instructor: Michael Christopher
Courses By: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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