Subcategory Web Design

A Complete Guide for Influencer Marketing Techniques 2020

Skyrocket your brand or service with amazing curated methods and techniques that you will learn in this course.

Rating: 3.95

Python Developer | Complete course 2021

Learn programming by starting from zero, and create powerful projects with Python : Web, Mobile, Games, Desktop

Rating: 4.61538

The Beginners Guide to Practical Cyber Hacking Skills

Learn real world practical and theoretical cybersecurity skills to prepare you for any career in cyber security

Rating: 4.6875

How to Be A Highly Successful Internet Marketer

The secret of the power of digital marketing

Rating: 0

Mobile and Web Development with React and React Native

Learn React with React JS, React Native, Router, Hooks and Context course and dive deeper into React Native

Rating: 4.79412

A Complete Guide to the JAMstack and React E-Commerce

Master next-generation full stack architecture: best speed, security, and scalability with React, Gatsby, and Strapi.

Rating: 4.46429

Electron & React JS: Build a Native Chat App with Javascript

Learn how to build a chat app with Electron & React JS. Utilize React JS + Firebase(DB) to create a fully native app

Rating: 4.29167

Super-Fast Web Design using Weebly (2022 Grand Edition)

A world-changing online course focussed on Weebly Web Design in 2022

Rating: 4

The Complete HTML , CSS , Bootstrap :Build Hands On Projects

Learn all the basics of HTML , CSS and the popular and powerfull CSS Framework Bootstrap by doing 4 Hands-On Projects

Rating: 4.5

UI Design Bootcamp. Master Typography, Colour & Grids

Level up your design eye and improve your intuition to craft aesthetically satisfying UI designs

Rating: 4.60853

Coohom for Interior Designers Advanced Office Space

Advanced techniques and custome tools

Rating: 0

Fullstack Web Development for Beginners :15 Hand-On-Projects

Learn all the Web Development Technologies like HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , Javascript , ES6 , React , Node , Mongo DB

Rating: 4.3

Ultra-Fast Web Design using Carrd (2022 Edition)

A mind-blowing course focussed on the Carrd Web Design Platform

Rating: 3.73333

MS-100 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services Course with Sims

Get prepared for the MS-100 exam with instructor led labs and hands simulations available 24/7

Rating: 4.62796

UI & UX Design de aplicativos e sites - Adobe XD e PSD 2022

Acelere seu crescimento e torne-se um especialista em Design de Interfaces para Aplicativos e Sites com o Adobe XD.

Rating: 4.68786

Oracle 12C R2 RAC Administration and Data Guard for 12C R2

Oracle 12C R2 RAC Administration, to manage 12C R2 Data Guard environment and become Oracle Database master

Rating: 4.46154

Full Stack Web Development with C# OOP, MS SQL & ASP.NET MVC

Web development with C#, ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL, C# OOP. All gathered for full stack web development in one course!

Rating: 4.27404

Stress-Free Statistics: IBDP/AP and College Students Part 1

The Purpose of Statistics, Writing Research Questions, Identifying Types of Variables, and Descriptive Statistics

Rating: 4.75

Adobe Illustrator - Beginner to Guru

Master Illustrator on the Desktop, with easy lessons as well as step-by-step real world projects.

Rating: 4.77273

How to Design a Squarespace Website in 10 Easy Steps

Step-by-step tutorials on how to create a Squarespace website in a day! (2 content planning worksheets included)

Rating: 4.45

Illustrator for Business Startups & Beginners

Master Illustrator CC with in-depth hands-on training including assignments and projects. (in Urdu/Hindi with ENG SUBS)

Rating: 4.95

WordPress Offline Website Design Course for Beginners

Offline Website creation without Codes

Rating: 0

Stress-Free Statistics: IBDP/AP and College Students Part 3

Stress-Free Ways to Learn about Regression, Prediction, Probability, Sampling, and Interval Estimation

Rating: 5

HTML, CSS & Python Django Full Stack for Web Development

Full Stack Web Development with HTML, CSS and Python Django, Become Full Stack Python Web Developer, Build your websites

Rating: 4.4


Start to finish for everything cause from AutoCAD

Rating: 3.7

Wi-Fi Hacking and Wireless Penetration Testing Course

WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPS Cracking, Wifi Recon & Password cracking.Learn how to hack Wi-Fi from real-world penetration tester!

Rating: 4.96774

Master Full stack .NET Architecture using C#

Design, build and deploy a modern fullstack app using C# (Blazor, .NET, Azure, AWS, GCP, Docker, Kubernetes)

Rating: 3.75

Full Stack Web Development HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and React JS

Learn Web Development from scratch. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React JS and more! All in one in this course

Rating: 4.6

Python Web Development with Django and Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

Django and Python Web development with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4. Build responsive websites with Django and Python

Rating: 4.25

Data Science with R and Python | R Programming

Python and R programming! Learn data science with R & Python with all in one course. You'll learn NumPy, Pandas and more

Rating: 4.9

Full Stack Data Science with Python, Numpy and R Programming

Learn data science with R programming and Python. Use NumPy, Pandas to manipulate the data and produce outcomes | R

Rating: 4.45

Corso completo di UX/UI Design. Zero to hero.

Come diventare UX/UI Designer e costruire un prodotto digitale in Adobe XD

Rating: 4.28571

Stress-Free Statistics: IBDP/AP and College Students Part 4

A Stress-Free Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

Rating: 5

Python Numpy: Machine Learning & Data Science Course

Learn Numpy Python and get comfortable with Python Numpy in order to start into Data Science and Machine Learning.

Rating: 4.25

Angular 8 Certification Training (basic to advanced level)

Become a Front End / Full Stack Web Developer with complete command over Angular 8. Code, build, deploy an Angular 8 app

Rating: 4.45

Arduino: NodeMCU ESP8266 IoT Wifi Relay Sensor Dashboard App

Learn how to build your own sonoff, create amazing IoT dashboard web apps, control switches and graph sensor data

Rating: 4.5

Diploma Course in Retail Management

Enhance your skills (Operations/Sales/VM/HR/SCM) in the ever growing Retail industry - Cover latest trends, casestudies

Rating: 4.22581

Brickfilming 101

How To Create Stop Motion Animation Film with Plastic Construction Toys

Rating: 4.125

Full Oracle Database Administration with RAC

Learn Oracle Database Administration, 12C R2 RAC Administration, Oracle Backup and Recovery concepts in this course

Rating: 4.72

Full Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing Course | Ethical

Ethical Hacking, Penetration testing, Web hacking, Bug bounty, Metasploit, Security, more to be certified ethical hacker

Rating: 4.69048

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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