Subcategory Microsoft

SharePoint - Complete Guide to Microsoft SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online, SharePoint Team Sites, Pages, Libraries, Workflows with the basic to expert SharePoint Online guide

Rating: 4.52392

Microsoft Teams 사용자 교육

일반 사용자를 위한 Microsoft Teams 교육

Rating: 4.625

Microsoft 365 사용자 기본 교육

Microsoft 365를 활용한 스마트워크에 대한 이해 및 포탈 설정과 주요 업무 툴 활용(Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote, Teams, SharePoint)

Rating: 5

Microsoft PowerPoint Kursu | Sertifikalı | 2021

Microsoft PowerPoint Eğitim Kursu

Rating: 4.41379

Learn Power Query with Microsoft Power BI

Learn Data Cleaning and Formatting with Power Query Power Bi. Building Analytics Report with Power bi and Power Query

Rating: 4.35

[Microsoft RPA] Power Automate를 이용한 업무 자동화

반복되는 업무를 자동화하고 프로일잘러 되기!

Rating: 0

Microsoft Word دورة مايكروسوفت وورد الشاملة

دورة شاملة من الصفر الى الاحتراف في برنامج مايكروسوفت وورد

Rating: 4

Plotly library Tips exploratory data analysis

Get a kick start on exploratory data analysis using plotly library

Rating: 4.65

DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals in a Weekend

Pass DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals exam in a WEEKEND. BONUS: 1 Practice test and 8 quizzes!

Rating: 4.62545

Microsoft Visio 2019 Crash Course for Absolute Beginners

Master MS Visio 2019 from scratch, You will be able to create diagrams, flowcharts, maps easily and efficiently.

Rating: 4.40909

Fluxograma e Processo com Visio

Visio - guia rápido para o diagrama

Rating: 4.2

Master Spreadsheet In One Hour: Excel Crash Course

Discover the Business Spreadsheet Hacks that Will Automate Your Business Using Excel Shortcuts… Starting Today!

Rating: 3.75

SC-300 Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator Exam Prep

Learn Azure identity and access concepts, and get certified, with this complete SC-300 course! Brand new AUG 2021.

Rating: 4.59667

Microsoft Office+MS Word+MS Excel+ MS Power Point+ MS Office

Microsoft Word, Excel , Power Point Presentation

Rating: 4.4

Microsoft Excel

Basics Knowledge

Rating: 4.45

[Dashboard Microsoft Excel] : Conception Tableau de bord KPI

Become an Expert in Microsoft Excel Dashboard Design [Microsoft Excel Certificate] - X Design & Machine learning

Rating: 4.27778

Microsoft Project : Learn Project Management with MS Project

MS Project : Microsoft Project Professional Beginner Master Class about Project Management. Beginner Complete Course

Rating: 3.9

RPA:Microsoft Power Automate Desktop:Intelligent Automation

Learn Intelligent Cognitive actions with Microsoft Power Automate Desktop

Rating: 4.6

Become a Relationship Manager : Corporate Treasury of a Bank

Corporate Banking-Domain Training based on JD and Interview RM-Treasury ,Global Forex Market, Treasury Products, Swaps

Rating: 4.85

Google Planilhas - Iniciante ao Avançado, Masterclass 2022

Conheça o Google Planilhas como a palma da sua mão, com uma linguágem simples e compreensiva para todos os Niveis

Rating: 4.84375

SAP Analytics Cloud Certification Exam Paper | C_SAC_2208

Latest Practice Test Questions of SAP Analytics Cloud Certification | C_SAC_2208

Rating: 3.3

Build Amazing Apps With ANGULAR and ASP.NET Core REST API

Create a UI Application using Angular and a REST Web API using ASP.NET Core and create a real world full stack app

Rating: 4.49415

Microsoft Word: Top 25 Microsoft Word Tips & Tricks

Learn Top Microsoft Word Tips & tricks, pdf to word, word to pdf, Quick Selection, Quick Formatting, Word Template etc.

Rating: 0

【한글자막】 업무 효율을 극대화할 수 있는 핵심 Excel 활용법 : 기초부터 심화까지

Excel 주요 함수, 효과적인 Pivot 활용법, 데이터 분석 및 시각화, VBA 자동화 등 업무 효율 극대화를 위한 Excel 활용법 완전 정복

Rating: 4.75

【한글자막】 Microsoft 엑셀 매크로 (Macros) 및 VBA 완벽 마스터

【전세계 수강생 100만명 이상!】 엑셀 VBA (Visual Basic for Application) 와 엑셀 매크로에 대한 프로젝트 기반 강의

Rating: 4.6

【한글자막】 Microsoft 엑셀 데이터 분석 및 대시보드 보고

엑셀의 VLOOKUP 함수와 이를 대체할 INDEX, MATCH 함수, TEXT, CHOOSE 함수, 피벗테이블과 피벗 차트, VBA 등 상호작용이 가능한 대시보드 보고서 만들기

Rating: 4.85

My Google Cloud Platform for Beginners

Develop the hands-on skills you need to set up and manage Google Cloud

Rating: 4

Advanced Rest Api's with .Net Core , MSSQL & MongoDB

Build advanced REST Api's with .Net Core 6.0 , Entity Framework Core , MS-SQL and MongoDB

Rating: 4.05

Selenium WebDriver with C# from Scratch - Nunit Framework

BRAND NEW COURSE - Become expert level Selenium C# Engineer and learn how to implement Automation framework from Scratch

Rating: 4.51799

PlayWright Python & Robot Framework : Modern Web Automation

Modern Web-Automation With Microsoft Playwright. Use Python & Robot Framework For Framework Design & Parallel Execution

Rating: 4.1

Azure DevOps: Build and Deploy App using CI and CD Pipeline

Learn about CI/CD Pipelines: Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery / Deployment in Azure DevOps

Rating: 4.26761

SQL Data Analyst - SQL , Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL

Hands-On Data Analysis with SQL

Rating: 4.53846

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (OAS BIP)

Oracle Analytics Server OAS - Oracle BI Publisher 2021

Rating: 4.31737

Machine Learning for Data Analysis: Regression & Forecasting

Machine Learning made simple with Excel! Regression models for advanced data analysis & business intelligence (no code!)

Rating: 4.40816

Microsoft Teams 관리자 교육

관리자를 위한 Teams 이해부터 팀 또는 프로젝트를 위한 팀 협업 공간 구성을 위한 팀 생성부터 팀 구성, 메뉴 추가까지!

Rating: 5

Microsoft Teams 화상회의와 세미나 진행을 위한 Meeting&Live Event 교육

화상회의, 온라인 교육, 온라인 세미나도 Teams 하나로!

Rating: 4.9

Microsoft 365 관리자 교육

Microsoft 365 관리자 기본 교육 및 본/문서/메일 보안

Rating: 4.95

Learn Azure Functions using .Net Core (Beginners & Advanced)

Learn Azure Functions Fundamentals & Advanced Concepts

Rating: 3.7

Microsoft Power Automate for Power Apps developers

Learn how to overcome Microsoft Power Apps limitations using Power Automate Flow

Rating: 4.53049

Data Analytics: Intro to SQL using Healthcare Data

Master SQL using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio in 2022

Rating: 4.67886

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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